If Warwick .....

by TheFadingAlbatros 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TheFadingAlbatros

    If Warwick .... tiny theocratic village, would have been designed long before the beginning of its construction partly made by JW volunteers, for being sold after its achievement to one or more “worldly” organizations, how should be the reaction of the average Jehovah's Witness anxious to remain attached to the Seven “holy ones” already sitting on their heavenly thrones ? Well they would have no other choice than to rejoice and to meditate on the following new light:

    “At that time, the lifesaving

    direction that we receive from

    Jehovah’s organization may not appear

    practical from a human standpoint. All

    of us must be ready to obey any instructions

    we may receive, whether these appear

    sound from a strategic or human

    standpoint or not. »

    WT 15, 2013 – Article “Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes. What They Mean for Us Today, & 17.”

  • OneEyedJoe
    They've since used that same quote in the daily text as well as this week's CLAM meeting. They're really beating this one into the flock these days.
  • DesirousOfChange

    Isn't that the new Yeartext?


  • TheFadingAlbatros

    WT 15, 2013 – Article “Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes. What They Mean for Us Today, & 17.”

    Please read : WT Nov. 15, 2013

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