by unique1 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • unique1

    Go, then, and learn what this means, "I want mercy, and not sacrifice." -

    Matt. 9:13

    Although the Pharisees claimed to believe in the writings of the Hebrew

    prophets, they did not embrace this saying from Hosea 6:6. If they were

    going to err, they made sure it would be on the side of obedience to

    tradition. Each of us could ask ourselves, 'Do I have a reputation of

    being a stickler for certain rules? Or do others think of me as being

    first of all merciful and god?' Pick, pick, pick. That was the Pharisaic

    way. The Pharisees looked for every flaw - real or imagined. They kept

    people on the defensive and reminded them of their failures. The Pharisees

    prided themselves on tithing the tiniest herbs, like mint, dill, and

    cumin. They advertised their piety by their dress and tried to direct the

    nation. Surely we must avoid the tendency of always looking for and

    highlighting flaws in others.

    My God, how can they not realize they are describing themselves. Of all the people that DON"T show mercy to others JW's take the lead. Just had to share.

  • Hamas

    WT hypocrisy blows my mind.

    I was just scanning over some quotes myself. It makes me so mad.

    Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses available at Freeminds org is great !

  • micheal

    Until people start thinking outside of the box they will never see how hypocrital jw's really are.

  • Axelspeed

    I remember the wt study that was based on. It was one of the better articles I thought. Ironically, those kinds of articles along with the greatest man book were key in me taking the rose colors off the glasses.


  • Euphemism
    My God, how can they not realize they are describing themselves.

    Actually, they do realize it. That article (the famous "pick,pick,pick" article) was one of the few self-critical articles ever published in the Watchtower. Well, I should revise that... it didn't actually criticze the WTS. But it openly admitted that pharisaical attitudes were a problem in the congregation.

  • shamus

    Well, they do describe the Pharisees quite well. However, they do not describe their judgmental attitude.... something that they fail to mention in the text, because they themselves are guilty of it... (that is, the WTBTS).

    Check out a million threads here and see who looks more like a Pharisee!

  • Mary
    The Pharisees prided themselves on tithing the tiniest herbs, like mint, dill, and cumin. They advertised their piety by their dress and tried to direct the nation.

    The Governing Body pride themselves on splitting hairs about what fractions of blood components you can and can't accept, even in the face of death. They advertise their piety through their publications and try to direct 6 million others to be just like them.

  • rocketman

    Sometimes, it's as if a non-jw wrote ceratin articles. Of course, that's not the case, so it's another case of talk being cheap.

  • Euphemism

    To me, it's further proof that there are liberals on the GB. Probably not people who are anywhere near the sort of reforms the Society needs to make... but liberals of the sort that Ray Franz was in the 70's.

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