Elders preparing for the GT?

by StarTrekAngel 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StarTrekAngel

    I know this conversation has come up in other threads. It is just funny that last night I received this message on my phone. Could this be elders feeling that they need to prepare and find a way to reach all brothers as quickly as possible in preparation for something? I would not risk to say "I know so" but sure as hell this is new. Knowing the elders in my congo well, I wonder how many hoops has this poor soul had to jump in order to make sure he did not stumble his fellow elders. Most of them are anti technology.

    May be it is just that the CO visit is coming up and he may ask what steps have been taken to contact people en case of an emergency.

    Translation: This group was formed with the purpose of giving announcements about the congregation. Please do not answer the messages. They are just for your information.

    As you can see, people can not follow simple instructions. Later down the chat, he actually had to ask people to please quit responding.

  • darkspilver

    haha, no it's just often the best way to get even general and mundane announcement and info out to everyone - and stops people complaining that they aren't in the know regarding dates for CO visits, assemblys, congregation get-togethers, cleaning, gardening etc etc.

    And obviously is also great for unforseen emergencies etc


    And anyway be honest, if there's an emergency, who wants to spend a couple of hours on the phone telephoning people - 2 minutes to send out a group text to everyone - job done

  • ab.ortega

    Yep, texting gets the job done. I'm surprised (not ) people couldn't even follow the simple instruction to not reply to the messages. I'm so glad I'm done with that.

  • sir82

    So apparently whatever earth-shattering catastrophe that will oblige JWs to flee panic-stricken into the wilderness, with their "go-bags" clutched firmly to their sides, will somehow leave cell phone infrastructure intact such that elders can text all those within their groups while they are hiding in caves?

  • BluesBrother

    Around here , even the most techno-phobe of the elders have mastered the art of texting.

    Any concern they have is not for the Gt Trib but this policy of "Disaster Preparedness" ie floods hurricanes etc....even in temperate England

  • AnonVet

    I would have posted "OK" as well.

    Then when he asked for no replies, I would have replied "Oh. Ok."

    Then would have waited a bit and sent "I guess I didn't read that part at the beginning."

    Then would have sent out a "sorry for all that".


    Then maybe a random pocket text or two.

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "So, apparently whatever earth-shattering catastrophe that will oblige JWs to flee panic-stricken into the wilderness, with their 'go-bags' clutched firmly to their sides, will somehow leave cell phone infrastructure intact such that elders can text all those within their groups while they are hiding in caves?"


    I had no idea Wi-Fi was powered by Holy Spirit. :smirk:

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