Was going through the book that is currently being studied at midweek meetings.
Paragraph 18 of chapter 11 reads...
A second area of moral refinement involves the
measures taken to keep the congregation clean. Sad-
ly, not all who accept Jehovah’s standards of conduct
and dedicate themselves to God loyally stick with
their decision. Some eventually have a change of
heart and willfully rebel against those standards.
What is to be done about such ones? We may find
one indication in Ezekiel’s vision of the spiritual
temple discussed at the outset of this chapter. Re-
member those lofty gates. Within each entryway,
there were guard chambers. Guards would protect
the temple, evidently to prevent those who were “un-
circumcised in heart” from entering. (Ezek. 44:9)
That is a clear reminder that pure worship is a priv-
ilege accorded only to those who endeavor to live by
Jehovah’s pure standards of conduct. In a similar
way, the privilege of associating with fellow Chris-
tians in worship is not open to everyone today
Is that even close to anything Christ said?