by TerryWalstrom 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TerryWalstrom


    (Both) Jehovah’s Witnesses and Marxist Communists concern themselves with something called “The End of History.”

    The End of History means the end of a struggle between groups with conflicts of interest. The result being no cultural dissonances nor inequalities leading to divisions.

    In Marxist theory, a Capitalist Society pits an Elite against Have-nots. Those with power, wealth and privilege exploit poor, disenfranchised underclasses struggling to keep their head above water.

    Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Elite consists of 144,00 Kings and Priests who have been specially selected (anointed) to rule in heaven (as transformed spirit beings) over the second group (Great Crowd) who remain human on a Paradise Earth.

    In Marxist Theory, the Elite use wealth to obtain Political power and control Ideology consisting of shaping the worldview of the underclass. (Their role in society.)

    Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Elite are a religious/political (theocracy) Governing Body (FDS) who claim to channel (conduit of Jehovah) the rules of day to day life and ultimate survival for the others. This group of “others” is both a subdivision of anointed and a Great Crowd.


    What is Ideology?

    The ‘science’ of ideas which controls how people see themselves and others inside a world view.

    Prior to the End of History, before the ultimate goal of Paradise is realized, the most important concern

    of all men and women is the outcome of their struggle day to day. Ideology provides a context for seeing the Future as an obtainable Paradise IF certain steps are taken to insure that end.

    The shaping of this world view is achieved by means of carefully crafted and controlled Propaganda for BOTH Marxist Theory and Jehovah’s Witness theology.

    Propaganda is information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (perhaps lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information presented.

    Propaganda produces and promotes the ideal Ideology.


    In order to control the message (propaganda), the Elite must control the Media.

    If the Media cannot be completely controlled, it becomes necessary to undermine any competing outlets of information flow. Censorship, defamation, sabotage, Ad hominem, and injunction are typical strategies.

    Marxists prefer the use of Hegemony (leadership with the consent of the governed) in one of two ways:

    1. Repression (application of threats and undue influence)

    2. Subversion (controlling what teachers teach, how social workers communicate, mass media).

    Jehovah’s Witnesses similarly seek informed consent of their members by

    1. Repression (threats of disfellowship, shunning, death at Armageddon)

    2. Subversion (confining members to seek information internally and avoid ex-members who are said to be ‘mentally diseased’ and agents of Satan.)

    The Marxist seeks to convince prospective converts of their victimhood; exploited, excluded, and marginalized by the Elite. By dividing the Capitalist Society into factions who turn against each other with grievances, a divide and conquer strategy unfolds.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses seek to convince prospective converts through Bible Studies (which are bait and switch propaganda sessions). Dividing family members using calls for purity and separation and obedience to God rather than men, undermining higher education and seeing all non-JW’s as satanic.

    Both groups (Marxist and JW) employ Fear of the “other” and suspicion as well as encouraging snitching out fellow members, reporting infractions, currying favor by selling others out in a purge of purification.

    Both Marxist and JW propaganda employs a Critique of Society to enable converts to see everybody and everything as the enemy; all political, social, religious, and educational systems as corrupt and doomed.

    Isolating members one step at a time renders them unable to escape because there is no OTHER place to go or group to trust but the core cell or congregation.

    Both Marxists and JW theology has no place for individuals, but rather sees only a Society of classes. The individual is absorbed into hive mentality as a functionary sharing the load and rooting for the Group rather than themselves. Loyalty to the Cause supercedes concern for one’s daily needs.

    Both Marxists and JW theology employ a sense of False Consciousness and Alienation, seeing themselves as victims exploited by oppressors on the outside, heroes of a liberation movement which will bring peace and security to all mankind. The world becomes US (the good guys) against THEM (the bad guys) and it then becomes perfectly reasonable to lie, defame, attack, undermine and destroy THEM.

    Any wrongdoing on the part of the Party Elite can be justified because of the oppression of the outside slave masters who must be defeated. JW’s can employ Theocratic Strategy, which is a free pass to lie and withhold truth from “those who don’t deserve it.”

    Weakening social bonds which normally create harmony within everyday society is a chief goal of Marxists and JW’s. If you can’t see who your enemies are--it is because your mind isn’t functioning clearly. The task of a Marxist is to create enemies and lie about them, fear them and ultimately destroy their reputation.

    The task of a Jehovah’s Witness is to identify enemies, label them, ruin their reputation and set them up for destruction at Armageddon.

    Marxists seek to create a bond of uniformity in thinking and behavior both predictable and controllable by the leadership. No dissent is permissible or possible without immediate punishment.

    Marxist and Jehovah’s Witness conformity lead to totalitarian, authoritarian, cult structures. Meanwhile, False Consciousness creates a sense of being cradled, protected and valued--as long as complete Loyalty is observed.


    On the Jehovah’s Witness side of things, the failure of the JW theology to produce the End of History through tidal waves of witnessing about failed dates (set by the “mouthpiece” of God) created dissonances which had to be resolved!
    Could Jehovah’s Witness theology be wrong?

    Heavens no!

    Instead, the disaffection with failed dates and false prophetic interpretations was the Fault of the Members who Believed what they were told! How dare they blame the Elite Governing Body for their own errors in judgement!!
    A purification commenced after the failure of 1975 and the Brooklyn Politburo was purged of individual thinkers, questioners, and disloyal partisans. The wave of oppressive inquisition articles arose dividing the rank and file into factions who must now police themselves for enemies on the inside as well as outside.

    A new language developed around former members. Ex-members had become the new enemy.

    Without enemies where is fear, alienation and a need for loyalty?
    A witch hunt for Apostate whistleblowers and dissidents worldwide was the GB’s counter-offensive against those questioning the failed Watchtower version of reality. By 2013, the foundational belief underpinning JW theology shifted seismically. There had been a quiet shakeup and reorganization on every level practically invisible to members. The corruption, pedophile legal shakedown, a selloff of property and external transformation was completely hidden. The Apostates would be unable to penetrate the wall of exclusion. JW’s inside were busy looking for Boogeymen, enemies within, and looking over their shoulders, in a bunker mentality of fear and unduly influenced Loyalty.

    In Marxist theory, a similar crisis of credibility arose.
    Capitalist society, so the theory said, was so unfair, it should create a revolution among the oppressed and disaffected populace. After all, 2% have all the important wealth, privilege, and control!
    However, the revolution never happened although predicted for America. Why?

    Could Marxist theory be wrong?

    That was Unthinkable!

    Instead, a tactical evasion of the failure of Marxism theory became necessary!
    Cognitive dissonance led to a RETHINK of core strategies.

    Marxists blamed the “ruling class Elites,” for bribing off the workers by giving them “rights,” and had blinded them with a “false consciousness” that led them to support national governments and democracy. According to the new propaganda, American Exceptionalism lied about helping the downtrodden to “succeed” by becoming wealthy property owners, business leaders and movers and shakers. Because it was a cunning trap!

    The so-called ‘successful’ poor-born, upwardly mobile, underclass was now relabeled as SELLOUTS, dupes, Uncle Tom's, useful idiots exploited as decoys by the oppressive Elite as before.
    False Consciousness of success had been forced on the underclass.

    They still needed to wake up and start hating themselves as Alienated by racial prejudice, unequal pay, sexism, class distinctions, and White Privilege. Since individuals are unimportant in Marxist theory--only classes were important. Consequently, Identity Politics was invented. Political Correctness was taught in schools and colleges. Its purpose was to sensitize the young and raise their victim consciousness Through Identity Politics. Identity Politics means a person is not just an individual person--no--they are a member of an oppressed, alienated Class such as Black, Mexican, Gay, Female, Transgender, etc.
    Enemies are everywhere among the White Ruling Elite, the corporate Jews, etc.
    This new strategy was called Critical Theory and its target was an essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention, and conservatism.

    DIVIDE AND CONQUER was and is alive and well!

    Both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Marxist theorists succeed in dividing people into fearful oppressed classes who see enemies everywhere, have no identity as an individual (only as a class), and who must destroy all existing structures of the old system of things which is doomed anyway.

    Both groups work through negative thought control, victimology, and pressure to conform, subvert, and undermine reality. Each group maintains a form of Political Correctness* which seeks to force all members of their respective society to speak EXACTLY the RIGHT way as prescribed by the ruling body.
    This thought control serves the purpose of labeling dissidents for ostracism, attack, straw man
    ad hominem exclusion.

    The bottom line is, each ideology is authoritarian propaganda both driven by a small core of Elite mind control theorists manipulating consciousness toward a revolution purportedly leading to a Utopian End of History. (For the benefit of mankind.)


    (Historical note)

    “Critical Theorists recognized that traditional beliefs and the existing social structure would have to be destroyed and then replaced with a “new thinking” that would become as much a part of elementary consciousness as the old one had been. Their theories took hold in the tumultuous 1960s when the Vietnam War opened a Pandora’s Box of reevaluation and revolution. The student radicals of the era were strongly influenced by revolutionary ideas, among them those of Herbert Marcuse, a member of the Frankfurt School who preach the “Great Refusal,” a rejection of all basic Western concepts and an embrace of sexual liberation, and the merits of feminist and black revolutions. His primary thesis was that university students, ghetto blacks, the alienated, the asocial, and the Third World could take the place of the proletariat in the coming Communist revolution.

    Marcuse may be the most important member of the Frankfurt School in terms of the origins of Political Correctness because he was the critical link to the counterculture of the 1960s. His objective was clear: “One can rightfully speak of a cultural revolution, since the protest is directed toward the whole cultural establishment, including the morality of existing society.”


    "Political Correctness": A Short History of an Ideology," edited by William Lind (November 2004).

  • TerryWalstrom

    I'm not really looking forward to the grief I'm going to get on this thread :)

  • TerryWalstrom

    Ha! I got ZERO grief and ZERO response :)

  • waton
    In Marxist theory, a Capitalist Society pits an Elite against Have-nots. Those with power, wealth and privilege exploit poor, disenfranchised underclasses struggling to keep their head above water.

    There is different elites. Take the Elite of the left, the Merkels in Europe, they have the agenda to destroy the pesky aboriginals by importing hordes of strangers of an even lower caste, 80% of which do not come to work.

    Take the entrenched Government elite in North America, they too like to broaden their base by importing more of the exploitable.

    The Rich elites, that is something else. Some of the Nouveau Riches, the Gates, Bezos., Musks disprove Marx, they do great things, regardless.

    WT theology? They want to keep the slave system going, Onesimus et al.

    Even in paradise wt minions think they are going to give "assignments" to the slaves.

    now you have to slave disown yourself to survive Armageddon,

    then for a thousand years they want us to slave to get perfection. Marx would max out.

  • TerryWalstrom

    Thanks, Waton.

  • waton

    Well I spend time in police custody in Marx's East German embodiment, and slaving for WT , for the benefit of that "elite" so: getting wise to their ways, Walstrom.

  • TerryWalstrom

    Baptism by fire, I'd call it, Waton. Have you ex-posited that story here for all to read?

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