Plymouth Uk

by Researchedandenlightened 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Researchedandenlightened

    Plymouth reducing from 3 to 2 congregations? Any info please?

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    I am truly astounded at the paltry amount they're asking for this property - £160,000!!!

  • Researchedandenlightened

    Maybe in need of renovation ?

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Looked at it on Google Earth. It's on Station Road in PLYMPTON, not Station Road in PLYMOUTH.

    But even so, it's in a very nice location.

    I'd have valued it at least double/treble the asking price.

  • Researchedandenlightened

    Plympton being on the outskirts of the city , any easily accessed city building location is higher property value , i wonder why it is priced so low then ?

  • waton
    i wonder why it is priced so low then ?

    Rde: Many of the wt dealings are inside jobs. There is wealth at the periphery.

    Local elders often control this flow, but wt headquarters wants to harvest these "benefits" into it's own central coffers.

    (like the priests did not like that Achan did not hand over the loot to the "sanctuary", meaning really them, the Levites.)

    Only if a local "brother" can not profit, -one way or another-, from a deal (which would require a low price) will the property go on the "open " market. (The sale does not have to go to the highest bidder, after all)

    Locals trying to make money, get their share, rather than wt INC only. example:

    Value 1000 000, offered, sold for 500 000, send to wt 500 000, local profiteer: pockets 500 000. sheep shorn by 2 shearers.

    same happens often at death, and closing of estates.

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