Finally watched the anti-gay WT video

by undercover 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I avoided watching the WT video where the daughter/mother discuss 'leaving' gaydom behind in order to reach paradise for as long as I could, but finally gave in and watched it; just so I know exactly what it says and how it's presented, should it come up in conversation with JW family.

    It wasn't as shocking as I expected, having read some of the angst filled posts here and on Facebook (thanks to George Takei). They're presenting their beliefs as supported by scripture from the Bible. And if you're a true believer in that book, then you would find yourself having to at least give some thought to what is said.

    However - if you're beyond accepting early bronze age allegories, legends, and myths, as the actual Word and Law of God then you just shake your head at the ignorance and backwards thinking presented in the video. It's easy to pick apart, starting with the belief of Adam being the first created man, to the silly illustration of dropping that 'gay' bag in order to take the plane to paradise (that's the most propaganda part. You can't just drop what you were born with or as. It's still presented as that it's a choice, and a perverted one, therefore you're not allowed to share in the paradise God has reserved for heteros only). But try changing a true believer who accepts the Bible as final authority, and you're pretty much wasting your time.

    In the overall scheme of things, it doesn't really matter if it's a WT video, a Mormon one, or even from a local Baptist church. It's a fundamentalist belief, based on the Bible, and as long as there are conservative fundies who accept the Bible as the final say in how they think and believe, this thinking is going to trump any progressive, modern (no matter how factual they may be) ideals anyone else may have.

    But I am glad it was the WTS that got lambasted and lampooned over it. Hopefully it helps any fence sitters, or doubters, question a little harder.

  • SAHS
    Could you provide a link to that specific JW video about a mother and daughter discussing homosexuality?
  • Giordano
  • Pistoff

    I just can't bring myself to log in, or to watch it.

    I get too upset.

  • sowhatnow

    i think for many of us , its the simple fact that, of all the things a religious organization can make a cartoon about that is age appropriate, and is a positive message,[how to help grandma, and grandpa, how to save precious water, how to plant a garden, how not to waste food, how to be kind to animals, how to share ect] they have to over reach a parents right to teach their own child how to view such issues, and at an age and time when the parent feels it is appropriate, not have some religious rulers throw a controversy in the face of innocent children.

    they seem to thrive on drama lately, just like all the media.

  • Simon

    There seems to be a belief that the WTS is forcing these beliefs on parents, instead of simply supplying the market with the message that there is a demand for from their customers.

    There is a big enough number of conservative christians in the US (predominantly, some elsewhere) that really believe that stuff and they are competing for their share of that market. They sell the product that people want to buy, just like most other religions do.

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