Why have there been so many people blind to the corruption of the Watchtower Corporation ?

by Finkelstein 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Based from many of the doctrines the WTS has come forth with since its existence as publishing house which were obviously incorrect or false but nevertheless propagated, doesn't make you wonder why there were so many who embraced this organization with full devotion and acceptance ?

    Even back in the late 1800's there was scrutinizing skepticism to what the leaders of the WTS theologically taught. Millions of people since then have accepted the teachings of a really couple novice bible theologians, who brought forth many weakly supported doctrines such as concerning that mankind was living in the End Times and all of mankind should be prepared for its imminent destruction.

    Very few other Christian based faiths from Catholicism or Protestantism have made these kind of outlandish doctrinal assertions and they make up an overwhelming greater amount of practicing theologians, to those who achieved a high a level of academic training in bible theology.

    Was it really a case of the ignorance and corruption by a couple of men running their own publishing house and writing what they thought would befit the proliferation of their own publications ?

  • baker

    Well, what comes to mind is the old saying, "their,s a sucker born every minute and since 1879, there have been approx. 71,020,800 minutes give or take a million or so. Not counting those that have passed on, this would still be in the range of 8,000,000 or so that claim to be active. So this saying is quite true when applied to this group.

  • LV101

    I'd certainly like to know of the 8,000,000 how many are truly "active."

  • Finkelstein

    It would have to be honestly said that many were taken in by the WTS doctrines by the basic belief in the bible and blindly not acknowledging that the leaders of the WTS were in fact running and operating a publishing house.

    When a devoted JWS came to someones door asking if they would like a home bible study, guess what they were strategically taught by the WTS leaders ?

    Telling people that Christ had returned and was now about choosing who would live or who would die, made for some alluring thoughts for people to ponder upon.


    Why have there been so many people blind to the corruption of the Watchtower Corporation ?

    Watchtower is Built on Corruption..

    What`s the Pay Off for JWs?.....What`s In It For them?..

    Friends..Family..Social Life..Business Contacts..Power..Authority..

    It`s not in a JWs Best Interests to Rock the Boat..


    Image result for watchtower logo

    .Image result for corruption.Image result for Kingdom hall

  • Finkelstein

    Realistically one can also say the WTS was built upon lies, ignorance and corruption , mixed with some fear mongering by men who were driven toward their own self appealing empowerment and extenuating financial support.

    Religious charlatanism works because its panders to the ignorant and insecure segment of the population..

    I was told decades ago that the JWS would eventually erode due its core doctrines being tritely false, devised mostly for literature sales and distribution.

    ummmmm ??? maybe that guy was right

  • Darkknight757

    27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

    Matthew 23:27 | NIV

    For an outsider, these people look incredibly inviting. That is why the org wants people at the meetings so they can see how beautiful it is.

    I think in people's minds they can excuse the false teachings because "there is no other brotherhood in the world like ours (theirs)".

  • Finkelstein
    What`s In It For them?..

    Friends..Family..Social Life..Business Contacts..Power..Authority..

    Good point Outlaw being dismissive carries its own attributes within this organization.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Many of the teachings of the Catholic church and others are blatantly false. Watchtower focused heavily on this - the errors of the established churches - thus portraying themselves as the righteous and insightful underdog exposing the corruption of "Big Religion". Many disaffected Catholics got swept away by this Watchtower tactic.

    Additionally, Watchtower preys on persons who are largely ignorant of what the bible says, and who lack the ability to accurately interpret and apply scripture. Such persons are dependent on others to explain and interpret the bible to them. So Watchtower explains to them the errors of other churches, thus getting them to distrust the other churches while trusting Watchtower as an insightful and knowledgeable teacher.

    So who will use the bible to explain to them the errors of Watchtower - the same churches that they now distrust? They will not listen to them. Will Watchtower expose and draw attention to their own errors? No, Watchtower hides its errors. But even if it did, the JW would see it as evidence of unparalleled honesty and humility and greater reason to stick with Watchtower. So such biblically illiterate persons are left completely at the mercy of Watchtower until they learn the bible well enough through independent and objective bible study. But wait...Watchtower warns against independent bible study, saying it leads to apostasy ... Few are able to escape from the psychological prison that Watchtower creates for its followers.

  • Finkelstein

    Organized religion is just structurally organized and arranged opinions.

    One thing the WTS does is articulately divide people up to those who agree and those who don't agree and do so with a brush of approval or condemnation.

    Those who are faithfully righteous and loyal to all doctrines will be rewarded, those who don't will be chastised, separated and labeled to be destroyed in the near future.

    Unfortunately breaking up marriages and families is one of the dire consequences of this rigidly enforced separation.

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