My 1st Unwitness

by HappyGal 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • HappyGal

    I have seen the witnessing carts pop up around our city. There were no such carts when I left the JW's in the 1980's. Since leaving the organization I have survived (and thrived) by:

    1) educating myself about the organization on the internet (thank you apostates!)

    2) finding people who truly care about me

    3) avoiding all JW's (fortunately I had no family still in). However seeing the carts I wanted to share a little of the information I learned. It took awhile to get up the courage.

    Here were my goals:

    1) Maintain calm at all times.

    2) Do not get confrontation as the JW's would shut down and stop listening.

    3) Get over my fear of talking to JW's.

    4) Share a tibit of what I've learned

    Today was the day. As I approached the cart I noticed something that has never happened before. The cart was being manned or rather womanned by one sister. Alone. Perfect!

    I greeted her and started studying the literature on the cart. I picked up the booklet The Secret of Family Happiness. I took my time and looked through the chapters. I told her how concerned I was when I learned about the Australian Royal Commission, 1000+ victims of child sexual abuse and the two-witness rule. I then asked her what she thought about that. She had never heard of it before. We continued to talk to a few minutes more. We listened to each, was respectful so she didn't shut down her mind. It was a short conversation but I accomplished all my goals. She may or may not ask someone about the Australian Royal Commission. (hopefully she will) I do feel better having done it. I feel it is part of my healing.

    Additional note to share: While we were talking about the importance of family she mentioned she has two children. Then she pointed to her van and said they were sitting in the van. My heart just dropped thinking of those two kids having to spend so much time waiting in a van while their mom is at the cart.

  • SafeAtHome

    Good job. Dropping just one news item would do more to get them to look something up, rather than arguing any doctrine or flip flops they have made. By the way, are you in the U.S.? There is a heat wave everywhere here and she left her kids in a van? Windows down or not, not a good idea!🌞

  • Londo111

    Sad. I guess the kids don't qualify to sit at the cart, so they have to wait in the car.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well done Happy Gal! I love confronting JWs on their trolleys here in England but recently they have become hard to find. Come to think of it I don't see them calling on the doors in my area either.

  • HappyGal

    Thanks SafeAtHome. In answer to your concern, It was 7am and 75 degrees. The van was in the shade. It was still very cool here in Hawaii. Otherwise there would definitely be cause for concern. They usually pack up their carts by 8am. Thanks for caring about the kids.

  • Giordano

    Good for you Happy Gal! With two kids maybe this JW will look into the ARC........ some time it only takes one thread to unravel the whole thing.

  • Saename
  • gerry

    A few year back whenever I saw witnesses in the street I had the urge to yell out to them to wake up. Stop wasting your time going door to door etc. Now like you I try and be calm and mention something which hopefully gets them thinking... But you know they are so indoctrinated they view us as being like the serpent trying to deceive them..

    This is a bigger challenge now than when we were in and we were placing literature and looking for bible studies..

    I just noticed on reddit exjw someone mentions about how we do research before we purchase something.. You check independent views. Complaints, lawsuits.. Good tact to use.

    I love all the info here and reddit exjw..

    Seems like I do more research now than when I was fully in.. Lol

  • sparrowdown

    She left the kids in the van!! WTF!!

  • jookbeard

    keep up the work, never ever pass a cart by to either take the rags and dispose of at a later date and of course to anti witness, you will find yourself becoming very good at it.

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