Does The WTS Have The Right To Interpret The Bible For Mankind?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    If the Apostles, who were closest to Jesus and chosen by him, never wrote their own interpretation of the Old Testament, why does the WTS feel they can interpret the entire Bible and still get it wrong so often? If in fact, there was a Governing Body for Christians back in the 1st century, why didn't they go about interpreting Daniel's prophecies the way the current GB does today? If the 1st century Christians were God's chosen people, why didn't they go from door to door placing scrolls filled with Bible interpretations? Was their idea of preaching different than the WTS?

    Is it possible that the WTS has crossed a boundary by doing more than what was written? Did God really want present day Christians to interpret the Bible for him?

    Consider this, when God helped Joseph interpret the dreams of the pharoah, Joseph didn't say, "it seems like my first interpretation was incorrect, God's new light has shown me the following...".

    When Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall for Belshazzar, he didn't say "it seems that the meaning of the writing is different, thanks to God's new light..."

    If the prophets got it right the first time back then, why can't the current 'prophets' do the same?

  • shamus

    Excellent point, Latin! BTW, welcome to the board.

    This is just one more reason why the WTBTS is all B.S.

  • mizpah


    Good points! The Watchtower can claim to be God's prophet organization today...but it always comes with disclaimers. Whenever its predictions fail, it falls back on the explanation that its writings are "not inspired" like Bible writers. It reminds me of the drug industry of today. First we are deluged with ads that promise wonderful results and cures if you swallow the pill. But then it quickly follows through with disclaimers that makes one wonder if the cure isn't worse than the condition.

    Many of us "swallowed" the pill of Watchtower teachings. But we should have paid more attention to "fine print" of its disclaimers.

  • ClassAvenger

    Maybe because Charles Taze Russell wasn't around back then, LOL.

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