A day for a year in other churches

by barry 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • barry

    Yes a day for a year is held by some Adventists, Jehovahs Witnesses and the Worldwide Church of God while the great majority of textbooks of Biblical hermeneutics dont even mention the possibility of a year day Principle.

    The following things are true about Numbers 14;34.

    1.The word 'days' means days.

    2. The word 'day' means day.

    3. The word'year' meansyear.

    4. The word 'years'means years.

    The full artical can be found www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au/yr_day.htm This site and organisatrion is Good News Unlimited supported by some adventists that dont agree with the official line.


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