Birthday Experience

by oldcrowwoman 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • oldcrowwoman

    It was a emotionally packed week-end. One never know's whats around the cornor? I am grateful to be in a place to not create crisises for myself. And being aware of my feelings.

    Early in the week-end by the lake shore I saw a snake. To remind me that I am needing to shed old skin relating to relationships, jw stuff and my spirituality. And seeing deer to be gentle with myself throughout this process. The best birthday gift was a bald eagle sitting in a tree next to the cabin. And eagle is about seeing the overview of my relationships and life. There were many dragonflies flying around in the circle at the "Honoring the Earth Pow Wow" my needing some fresh air in regard to my relationships. Need to gain a new perspective or make a change.

    I was able to enjoy my birthday even tho there was unhealthy group dynamics. Did not allow it to rain on my parade. My wishes were a nuturing week-end. For the most part was'nt met. I was able to receive gifts from those who were around me. Not allowing the negative energy take over my well being.

    These women are my drumming group and we have been involved for 8 yrs.It's becoming more and more dysfunctional. Not meeting my needs. And I've bargin with myself for a while now. The writing is on the wall my needing to take care of myself to move on. And the pain is so great. I value my spiritualty. The wise voice within says my spiritualty will stay intact regardless of being connected to a group. And there were many gifts given over the years.

    So the 59th birthday is packed this year. For me to honor change.


  • unique1


  • Emma

    Thank you for sharing this deeply personal experience. You have been through many changes as well as losses and are still a strong person. Moving on with/from your circle will open new opportunities for you. I wish you the best .


  • cruzanheart



  • arrowstar

    Happy Birthday OCW

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It's a new time for you. Relish it.


    Many happy returns of the day


  • sxybrwneyes

    Happy birthday!

  • acsot

    Thank you for sharing that. I think that if we open ourselves to the wisdom of nature around us, we may all be able to learn and be guided by the messages that are there, rather than just staying stuck in our minds and replaying old thoughts and wounds.

    I hope to get to the point where dysfunction can surround me but not affect me.

    Happy birthday!!!


  • Garnet

    Happy Birthday!


  • Swan


  • talesin

    tks for sharing, ocw.

    there is no experience that matches drumming with a group of 'like' souls. it is one of my favorite things. it must be v. sad for you to dis-connect from these people, but you know what is right for you. i find it is helpful if i can sit by the water (ocean) if i am alone. i get a rhythm with nature in a way that is very special.

    i'm sure the changes in the rhythm of your life will be positive in the long run.

    'life is what happens when you're making other plans'

    john lennon, 1940-80

    PL&H, tal

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