would you object?

by Tron 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tron

    I would like to ask a question,

    If you know someone who was raised in the so called truth yet never baptised,sexually molested his daughter got caught and his defence was he hit rock bottom and the pressures of the world had a part to do in his horrable crime.

    Do you think he should be able to plead guilty but is now studying the bible again with JW`s get off with a slap on the wrist.

    Now here is the Kicker a few years later become an ELDER,would you remind the congregation elders of what he has done.


  • bikerchic
    Now here is the Kicker a few years later become an ELDER,would you remind the congregation elders of what he has done.


    I looked up some information in the '97 Watchtower 1/1 page 27 "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked":

    For a man who was a child molester before he was baptized, there may be another consequence. When he learns the truth, he repents and turns around, not bringing that cruel sin into the congregation. He may thereafter make fine progress, completely overcome his wrong impulses, and even be inclined to ‘reach out’ for a responsible position in the congregation. What, though, if he still has to live down notoriety in the community as a former child molester? Would he "be irreprehensible, . . . have a fine testimony from people on the outside, . . . [be] free from accusation"? (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 10; Titus 1:7) No, he would not. Hence, he would not qualify for congregation privileges.

    I hope this helps.


  • Tron

    Thanks Kate,

    I dont know the scriptures too well so noting them is helpful.


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