Do you believe this???

by heathen 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • heathen

    The CIA is now claiming the WOMD that they assured the public were in Iraq was now just simply a mistake?????? I almost lost it when Bush and Powell were making this statement on the news . Now they are accusing the Iraqies of trying to make it look like they had the weapons by saying they didn't have the weapons . If ever the words shock and awe could be used I think this is the time .This has got to be one of the biggest intelligence blunders of the centuries

  • freedom96

    Remember, the search is not finished.

    Do we forget about the mobile labs? Do we forget about the scientist that was ordered to bury evidence in his backyard?

    They have had those weapons, that has been proven.

    To think that Saddam actually did get rid of those weapons is just being a bit naive.

  • Mecurious?

    I think Bush is the greatest president that ever lived................... Not.

  • heathen

    freedom96----- I like the name but look here my friend , it's time you took the blinders off and realized what's going on in this situation . The people in government are trying to pull one over on the american people . Saddam said that he had cooperated with the inspectors and that there was no more suff to inspect , I even saw the stuff on the news that was being destroyed by the inspectors . I am beginning to think that saddam was more honest about what's going on than our own government .The bottom line is the government wanted to liberate the 2nd largest oil supply in the world by invading Iraq and setling a personal score with saddam ,not that I'm a saddam supporter but the US is looking at 100 billion dollar invasion here and enslaving the Iraqie people to pay off the debt just like when ww2 started after the french tried to enslave the germans to pay off a war debt . I can't see where you come up with being naive when there is a total lack of evidence to support the accusation you are making .

  • metatron

    Guys, guys, guys!

    You guys are like a male audience watching a staged magic act.

    A scantily clad female assistant diverts your attention while the magician

    does the trick.

    Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction are just the floor show, a deception

    for the naive masses. The real purpose is to hold a gun to the head of Middle East

    leaders - ESPECIALLY Saudi Arabia, who sit atop billions in US investments and

    huge oil reserves. Radical Islam is a threat to the civilized world and needs to be

    killed off or contained. If this foray fails in Iraq, LOOK OUT! The Arabs have

    one shot at reforming themselves and better take it. The last time the US

    was confronted with suicide warriors in a war, they dropped two atomic bombs.

    ( Japan and Kamikazes). Isolation in a globalized age won't work.

    Unfortunately, these facts can't be heralded openly and the Europeans

    (aging collectively and spending every penny on welfare states) just want it

    all to go away - which it won't.


  • heathen

    metatron----------- I never believed that saddam had the WOMD that the US government insisted he had , so there goes the beautiful magician assistant theory where I see it . Globalization and imperializm are unconstitutional, the US military is to be used only to preserve and protect the republic should a foriegn nation attempt to over throw the central government of which has not happened . There have been many experts who believe that the likely hood of more terror attacks on the US has increased 100 fold due to the invasion of afghanistan and Iraq . I can't stand the moslem religion myself but the US constitution guartees the right to freedom of religion. I even watched as reports were coming in ,that the CIA will not stand by as the president makes false accusations of their incompetence . I do not approve of the wag the dog policy that the current administration is playing out at the expense of the american people . There is also the slavery issue that noone has addressed .This is the most deplorable act in the history of the US .

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