Witness Murdered Doing Field Service!!!!!!

by 7robert7 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • 7robert7

    I wanted to share a rather sickening and heart breaking story with everyone here. A few months ago a young and pregnant JW mother was kidnapped by another women when showing the vehicle that her and her witness husband were selling.

    The killer was another women who couldnt have children of her own,
    she took this sweet pregnant mother back to her home not 3 streets away and shot her in the head in her basement, then dragged the body into her garage and cut the child out of her stomache and then buried her in the garage. The child survived unscathed.

    The murderess had for months been telling her husband, family and neighbors that she was pregnant and soon to deliver. I cant believe that she pulled the wool over the whole neighborhoods eyes. But it happened.

    It turns out that another witness had come to the murderers house for the usual field service thing, and in her conversation had mentioned that there was another sister a few streets away that could help her if she had any questions concerning the society in the future and that this sister was soon to deliver a child.

    This I found out through listening to the insesant gossip that goes on between my wife and others in the congregation, during there weekly get togethers at each others homes.

    Guess what? None of the news media ever mentioned the fact that another witness had given the murderess her freinds adress during one of these "you must go door to door cuz Jehovah says so" encounters.

    Born agains, have for years been trying to warn witnesses of the dangers involved in such door to door activity. And that all the verses they use to justify such activity have to do with church to church visits, and not visiting total strangers at their homes.

    The apostles preached in outdoor ventures and only went to a non believers house if they were invited. Jesus never, entered a persons house to preach unless he was invited by the master of that home. People sought Jesus and His deciples out because of what they heard or had seen them do. Who would seek the witnesses out if they didnt come knocking on your door? No one, thats who.

    I wouldnt be surprised if the Society placed this womens face on the front cover of a future Watchtower or Awake magazine, claiming that she made the ultimate sacrifice for Jehovah, as they did with the little children who sacrifised their lives for the sake of the Societies ban on blood. Shame on the Society, for their lies, but I truely believe that they will get theirs come judgement.

    Imagine the suffering this poor women has to endure knowing that it was her shared information that cost her, her friends life. The neverending destruction continues. I pray that the field service issue ends, for many others may pay a dear price, for the Societies hunger for control and power.

  • dedalus
    imagine the suffering this poor women has to endure knowing that it was her shared information that cost her, her friends life.

    I don't think this is a sound conclusion, for the following reasons:

    1) The murderer didn't contact the woman using the alledgedly "shared information."
    2) You admit yourself that this information comes to us as the result of "insesant gossip," which brings it to the level of a tabloid rag.

    Look, I hate the preaching work as much as you do. And I think the kind of dangers you're looking at are real. Perhaps the Watchtower should do more or educate Witnesses about the dangers of sharing personal information, the importance of making sure a house is safe before entering it, etc. I don't recall any articles on this subject from my days as a Witness ... and even if there are some I don't know about, I doubt it's emphasized as much as it should be. But your anecdote lacks credability.


  • Kent

    imagine the suffering this poor women has to endure knowing that it was her shared information that cost her, her friends life.

    Crap! It was just bad luck. On the other hand, why can't the morons stay at home? Walking around harassing people simply have to make some get into deep shit.


  • logical

    That sounds like something out of Sunset Beach.

    Kent, you are sick.

  • outnfree


    The pregnant young witness mother in question was NOT "Murdered Doing Field Service." At the time of the murder, a friend of mine sent me the link to the newspaper (Dayton, Ohio?) articles and I followed the story for days as new information came to light.

    Rather, the young witness mother was a typically naive member of the Borg, having been raised in the truth, and not expecting ill of the woman who came to HER home in response to an advertisement for a vehicle she and her husband were selling.

    Yes, she and her murderess lived near one another. And yes, the murderess was an unbalanced woman who wanted a baby, ANYONE's baby, desperately and told both her husband and the neighbors that she was pregnant, etc.

    You are correct that no news story ever mentioned a call on the murderess by another sister or that this sister may have mentioned the victim's pregnant state and address to the murderess. This is DEFINITELY gossip and should not be given any credance at all.

    As I recall (and I may be incorrect here) the murderess had seen the sister and her husband with the vehicle for sale, decided that she would be a good victim, and waited until daytime when the sister would likely be alone to make the appt. to see the vehicle. They went for a "test drive" and the sister never came home. And, with all the uproar, I think it was the husband or neighbors who finally concluded that the whole pregnancy story was a bunch of bull and alerted police. (The woman didn't call her husband for the delivery, no hospital bills, and the concurrent disappearance of the sister...)

    So, I find your topic line a bit inflammatory, don't you?

    (If I still have the links to the newspaper stories in my filing cabinet and they're still good, I'll post the links here.)

  • reagan_oconnor

    Sorry, Robert, but the account you heard was b.s., not unlike the gossip that runs rampant among JWs.

    My sister is related through marriage to the family that had this horrible tragedy happen to them. THIS WAS NOT INITIATED THROUGH FIELD SERVICE!!

    The psycho woman (Michelle Bica) who killed the sister was stalking several pregnant women, all at the same time, for the same purpose. One delivered early, one lost the child through miscarriage, and the last just happened to be Theresa Andrews. She had run into Michelle Bica at a local Wal-Mart, and the two chatted about their pregnancies and due dates -- Michelle faking hers, of course.

    Here, read the stories for yourself: http://www.cleveland.com/indepth/andrews/

    Side note: The father of the child, still a JW, announced that he is getting remarried less than five months after the death of his wife. To a "good JW", according to one of the newspaper reports.

    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

  • reagan_oconnor

    just an additional note...

    There is video of the funeral, for which 2500 people (JW and non-JW) turned out. Note this from the Plain Dealer:

    Dave Ianelli, a Jehovah's Witnesses elder, traveled from the church's world headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., to officiate at the service.

    Yup. This man who knew NOTHING about Theresa Andrews came down from "Bethel" and used her death as an opportunity to preach to the masses. Disgusting.

    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

  • 7robert7

    I made it quite clear that some of what I heard was through insesant gossip, and I appreciate the corrections that were added. But inspite of what some may say here, we will never know how the murderer found out about Theresa. Some reports said the cars for sale ad, and some said at Walmart, one news station even said a friend of Theresa's met the killer before all this happened, but nothing more was said about this friend.

    I as most was heart broken about this, especially for the child. That was my point in bringing her friend up, if that was true.

    My next point is that I am married to a witness women, and am terribly afraid of what may happen to her some day, its odd that some here seem to still think that the door to door activity the Society pushes on its people is biblical.

    I have a challenge for those that feel it is legit. Show me the verses that promote this type of field service. Give me an example of either Christ or his desciples doing this type of thing, in other words knocking on a total strangers house. In every case Christ and his desciples were invited, in every case, they went from church to church teaching believers. Remember, first to the jews and then to the gentiles.

    Outnfree, inflammatory is a good way to describe my headline, and I appologize as I was very emmotional at the time, its been quite some time since this happened, and it still hurts me deeply when I think about it. Sorry to all.

    By the way I live in Willowick, Ohio and if there are any close by that would like to get together some time and share how and why they got out I would greatley appreciate it. Your stories give me hope concerning my wife.

    To those who are so adament in stating that THIS WAS NOT THROUGH FIELD SERVICE, I have one question.

    Could Michelle Bica had met another pregnant JW women through field service, and befriended her? I say YES. So please dont even try to tell me that because it didnt happen through field service this time that it wont or cant happen in the future.

    The Society is teaching a non biblical doctrine, that may very easily cost someone there life some day, I repeat NON BIBLICAL. I WILL NOT
    allow my wife to become a sacrifice at the alter of the Watchtower, if you cant understand the love I have for my wife then so be it. God Bless.

  • reagan_oconnor

    Hi, 7robert7:

    To those who are so adament in stating that THIS WAS NOT THROUGH FIELD SERVICE, I have one question. Could Michelle Bica had met another pregnant JW women through field service, and befriended her? I say YES. So please dont even try to tell me that because it didnt happen through field service this time that it wont or cant happen in the future.

    Sure, absolutely. Anything is possible. That's like saying "is it possible that you could be killed in a car accident on the way to work today?" The point is, it *didn't* happen through field service. I understand your concern for your wife's safety, and I applaud you for your concern.

    There have been situations where Witness women have been assaulted or robbed while in field service... I seem to recall a JW woman in Western Pennsylvania about 10 years back who was pregnant and was robbed, beaten, and lost her unborn child. These things do happen, but it's few and far between. Otherwise, we'd hear the news reports.

    The Society is teaching a non biblical doctrine, that may very easily cost someone there life some day, I repeat NON BIBLICAL. I WILL NOT
    allow my wife to become a sacrifice at the alter of the Watchtower, if you cant understand the love I have for my wife then so be it.

    The JWs have twisted the scriptures to support their belief of going door-to-door... lemme tell ya, I know, I was there for 20 years! I absolutely understand your love for your wife, and your concern for her safety. (You remind me of my own husband!)

    I urge you to discuss this rationally with your wife, without issuing an ultimatum with regard to her participation in field service. Whenever they incur "opposition," JWs blame "Satan" for interfering with "God's work." Your wife will be supported in her efforts by the others in her congregation, who will tell her that *you*, her dear loving husband, are being "used by Satan" to stop her from "preaching the word." Sick? Absolutely. It's the example of the cult mentality at work.

    So you're in Willowick? I live in Fairview Park! Small world, huh?


    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

  • LDH


    The insidious day to day damage of the WT teachings is far greater than the chance that your wife will get knocked off in Field Service.

    I understand your fears, my husband would be the same way, but believe me, her personal safety is already at risk because she is following the whims of a man-made organization.

    Other examples of those who gave up thinking:

    Guyana tragedy and Jim Jones
    Heaven's Gate Followers
    Mass Suicides in Uganda
    David Koresh and Waco, TX

    Get the point?

    PS, I always carried mace in Field Service for protection from Men and Dogs (works great on both species, LOL)

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