"HATED WITHOUT A CAUSE" ?Do you see it??????

by badolputtytat 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • badolputtytat

    Here is the page I was sent physically torn out of whatever magazine it came from, not by e-mail. I dont know what the g 03-E 6/8 means at the bottom, but I think it is the volume of the mag. Anyway. If you are interested, here is what they have to say about this convention. All the quotation marks were there, and I have made NO changes... Notice the titles... the fear that you can SEE in it. They are using this one to talk their way out of a whole LOT of sh*t. YOUR OPINION??????



    The first day of the convention will focus on the theme “Are you worthy, Jehovah… to Receive the Glory” (Rev. 4:11) “Creation Declares the Glory of God” is the title of a talk that will help us see how Jehovah’s qualities are “clearly seen” or “perceived by the things made.” (Romans 1:20) The encouraging keynote address, “Glorious Prophetic Visions Spur Us On!” will urge all to keep close in mind the momentous events foretold in God’s word for our day. “The Prophecy of Amos—Its message for our day” is the title of a three-part symposium that will emphasize the modern-day relevance of this ancient prophet’s warnings. “The Good land—Foregleam of Paradise” will enhance our appreciation for the region that Jehovah gave to his ancient people.

    Day Two of the convention will carry the theme “Declare Among the Nations His Glory” based on Psalm 96:3. Among the highlights will be a symposium entitled “Reflect Like Mirrors The Glory of Jehovah”. This three-part presentation will outline how we can more effectively accomplish our ministry. The talk “HATED WITHOUT CAUSE” will be followed by the dedication discourse and the baptism- a feature at all conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the afternoon, the talk “BEWARE THE VOICE OF STRANGERS” will give timely admonition regarding “false teachers” who try to deceive God’s people with “counterfeit words” (2 Peter 2:1,3)”OUR CHILDREN-A PRECIOUS INHERITANCE” will conclude the day’s program. It will be delight for parents, as well as young children.

    The final day of the convention will develop the theme “DO ALL THINGS FOR GOD’S GLORY”. (1 Corinthians 10:31) A series of interviews will compliment the talk entitled “HOW YOUTHS ARE PRAISING JEHOVAH”. The morning session will also include a 45-minute drama with the title “BOLDLY WITNESSING DESPITE OPPOSITION”. Since religion is constantly in the news, the public discourse will address the question, “WHO ARE GIVING GLORY TODAY?” The talk “KEEP BEARING MUCH FRUIT TO JEHOVAH’S GLORY” will bring the convention to a stirring finale.

    g03-e 6/8

  • Brummie

    just reading through that made me get flashbacks, ugh, glad to be out of it, what a load of twaddle.


  • Brummie

    and another thing..

    There's not one amogst us that doesnt know exactly what will be said to support each of those headings! Yet we all used to skip to conventions thinking we were going to get "refreshed", it was the same ole twaddle all the time.


  • Hamas

    g03-e 6/8

    Is the order number for the literature department.

    Sad to see Watchtower mind control in full flow.


  • crownboy
    g03-e 6/8

    IIRC, this simply means that the information came from the June 8th, 2003 Awake, in an English language edition.

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