Child Psychologyst Needed in Chicago Area

by Faraon 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Faraon

    My daughter (12 years Old) has expressed her need for a psychologyst. She told me she wants to see one that would keep her secrets only without revealing them to her mother or myself. She felt betrayed with her old psychologyst. She feels conflicted on what to do. Her mother keeps on pressuring her into joining the cult, and wants me, her ex, to join the cult so that there could be peace in the family. I have explained to her that if she joins the JW or another cult that destroys families, it would mean that I would not see her anymore. I explained to her that it would be the end of our relationship the minute she is baptized since they forbide contact with DAd people.

    I would like to know if you know of any child psychologyst in the Chicago area that knows about cults so that s/he more than likely would be aware of of the consequences of joining the JWs.

    Thank you.

    By the way. I am an atheist, but I would not mind her seeing a Psychologyst that is not into cults or is a fundamentalist. I would just like one that is open-minded.

  • coffee_black

    I would try to contact Marilyn at the Why 1914 helpline. She is a counselor, and lives in Milwaukee. She may know of someone in your area. 1-800-why-1914


  • Faraon

    Thank you coffee_black.

    I am really going crazy with this cult. My daughter is now rejecting the scientific method, in which she used to believe before. I did not want to have full custody of my daughters, as I deemed it counterproductive, but now I see that I will have an uphill battle all my life. She wants to have a normal life but it is impossible now. She wants to be accepted by all, but does not realize the consequences of getting baptized.

  • coffee_black

    I went through a lot of the same with my son when I left the borg. His father was/is a jw. My son used to come home from meetings crying...terrified that my daughter and I would die at armageddon. He was about 9 at the time. It took a while, but he watched the video "witnesses of Jehovah" and that did it for him. He was out by the time he was 11. He talked to Marilyn a couple of times, and it seemed to help. Today he is 21 and in College. There's hope. Don't give up.


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