Any Severe Weather Stories?

by BluesBrother 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Around here it has been raining all day , and we all moan about the British weather.

    But I see on the American news programme that the Southern States are facing a hurricane, the Mid West is fighting a brush fire.

    Does anyone here have experiences of such extremes of weather? Have you lost a home or suffered severe damage? It might put things in to perspective..

  • Valis

    I had the misfortune of being caught in a flash flood in South Texas. We were coming home from Bocktoberfest in Shiner, Texas at the Spoetzel brewery...great time but all fo the sudden it started pouring down so hard we all had to retreat to the cars for several hours, by which point everything was rained out so we started to drive back to our got very dark and rained so hard I had to stop the car several times....well I missed my turn and I headed down what looked to be the middle of the street...the street was gone and our car was being filled with water...I swear it was road as i would never consciously drive into a raging creek....sheesh....well, the car started to flood and it also started to get pushed into the creek which was appropriately named Slaughter Creek...Everyone got out and my room mate Bob and I got swept down stream...I hit a fence (and held on like a mofo)....and climbed my way back to the road...Bob went under and then finally hit a tree...Well, the Texas Ranger picks us up and has the nerve to ask me why I ran the dude there was no roadblock...ya think it might have gotten swept away? Never raise your voice in the backseat of a Texas Ranger's vehicle....not productive. He was cool though and drove us back to our motel.....offhandedly commenting tha "Ya'll must have been out there at that Bocktoberfest huh?".....I left that one alone...eheh. We ended up getting stuck in BFE for three days. Just us a Walmart, and a beer store that was far too away surrounded by floodwater...Never get stranded in Gonzales Texas...Oh and BTW, that $20.00 a day LDW insurance on rental cars rocks! *LOL* Hope this helps....


    District Overbeer

  • teejay

    I've never been afraid of the weather in my entire life. When I was a kid, I slept through the wildest storms. But May 3, 1999 will be with me for a long time.

    I got home early that day (about 4:30) and watched the weather forecast tell of a tornado watch. For the next 60 to 90 minutes, I watched on the TV as the Watch became a Warning. By six, an F-5 tornado was destroying big chunks of the city just south of here like Star Trek's Crystalline Entity. I mean... helicopters of the local TV stations showed entire housing additions with nothing left but slabs of concrete where homes used to be.

    I was home with a two-week old baby (my first) and for the first time in my life the weather made me very afraid. I realized that I could do nothing to help her in the face of something like that. By seven, they called an all-clear and I breathed a bit easier. For about 15 minutes. Until the word came, along about dark, that another storm cell was forming, but this time it was headed more in our direction. The tornadoes that one spawned went north of us.

    Not much of a story, but the best one I have.

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