Paradise vs. Living Forever

by Water 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Water

    I wonder; if the typical JW was given a choice between living 100 years in paradise or living forever in a society such as we have today, what would they choose?

    What is the real draw, immortality or perfection?


  • Water

    I ask because I have this discussion with my JW mother whenever we talk about death. I tell her that I don't want to live forever in a paradise or any other way. She replies that Jehovah made us to live forever and be perfect and that my assertion that 'I don't want to' is unacceptable and a sin against God. I say that a loving God would not make me live forever if I would prefer not to and that I don't care what happens after I die. She get's mad.

    I don't get it.


  • cruzanheart

    This loving God made us free will individuals, which means we have a brain and he expects us to use it. Therefore, following that logic, if you choose to not live forever, he should be cool with that. He should also look at your reasons for making that decision and understand. That's my faith talking! I have made the conscious decision that, if living forever means being with a bunch of loveless, mean-spirited, rule-driven people, then I'd rather enjoy the time I have now to the absolute fullest, try to make a difference in my little corner of the world, and be thankful for life now.


  • AS IF
    AS IF

    My favorite is the living in a spiritual paradise!! HAH!! When I told my parents that I wanted nothing to do with the org. I told them I've seen there "spiritual paradise" and if the same people are going to be there in the earthly paradise I definitely don't want to be there cuz it sucks!!

    The jaws are still dropped!!!!

    AS IF

  • Gadget

    This reminds me of the Queen song - Who wants to live forever, if love must die.

    Living forever appeals to me, just think of all the things you haven't been able to do because you haven't got the time, or your getting too old for. But would it be worth it if all you got was hassle from everyone, telling you what to do?

  • Water

    Thanks cruzanheart, AS IF, and Gadget. It's nice to know that I am not the only one who thinks that the JW idea of paradise isn't exactly perfect.


  • yxl1

    Living forever would be pretty cool, but if I had to sacrifice TV, drugs, political/religous discussions, Elton John, friends (not the tv show), freewill, oral sex, Stevie Wonder, Rock and metal....etc, then I think I would be better off dead. One of the main reasons I stopped Dubbing was because I decided I'd rather die than share eternity with those idiots. Urghhh can you imagine it!!

  • Water

    Excellent points. The JW idea of paradise gets rid of much of the variety in life. I remember as a child, my mother would tell me about 'the paradise on Earth' how wonderful it was going to be. She said that over the thousand year reign the world would become as it was in the beginning. Eventually everyone would speak the same language, so why is one of the things she is looking forward to 'having the time to learn other languages?' That nice house with the large yard and lots of trees she has her eye on, won't that end up being destroyed with the rest of the worldly things?

    Maybe it's an argument I'm not meant to win. She has an idea of what she want's paradise to be and ignores the reality of what she is saying.

    Thank you,


  • drwtsn32
    I told them I've seen there "spiritual paradise" and if the same people are going to be there in the earthly paradise I definitely don't want to be there cuz it sucks!!

    lol! That rules. I would love to say something like that to some of the dubs. But it would only hurt me by having my family think I'm really negative and hateful towards the "truth"

  • drwtsn32
    What is the real draw, immortality or perfection?

    Really the only parts of the paradise that were ever attractive to me were the longevity and perfect health. The idea that no one would ever "sin" sounded really boring.

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