Darwin Awards?????????

by heathen 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I was watching Conan O'brien this evening and they had a lady on who actually gives awards to the dumbest people or their living relatives. Just wondering if anyone here has read it and what they thought about it . They went over some really idiotic stuff people did that often winds up in someones death .

  • StinkyPantz

    Yeah, I've heard of them. I believe that they have their own official website. They rate the craziest deaths. For example, one year a guy got killed when an elephant pooped on him. He got a Darwin Award. . .survival of the fittest!

    Editted to add link: http://www.darwinawards.com/

  • bittersweet

    I was watching Conan last night too.Pretty funny stuff.Like the group of guys who took turns doing shots then stomping on a land mine. Too funny. or the guy who used a bullet for a blown fuse in his car and *ahem* blew off his "sensitive area". These people definately should not be breeding!

  • heathen

    So far nobody has read the book Darwin Awards ? I think the one where a guy dies from an elephant taking on dump on him sounds pretty far fetched to me .The land mine and the bullet one are pretty sound reason to give someone a Darwin Award . I've seen people do pretty stupid stuff in my life but that is totally retarded .

  • drwtsn32

    I have one of the Darwin Awards books. It's pretty funny. They do tell you which stories are confirmed and which are unconfirmed. They also have "notable mentions" where the people do something really dumb but don't exactly die.

  • stillajwexelder

    Witnesses and more specifically the WTBTS Governing Body should be given a Darwin award - for telling the older generation of witnesses to put off having children until the new system - if they had not done that there would be even more witnesses now and tha twould be bad -- mind you it has ruined lives in the process with some witnesses no without grandchildren because of that stupid directive from the GB -- but worth a Darwin award I think

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