Warning to Identity thieves, marks of the beast and a boob job

by detective 4 Replies latest social current

  • detective

    Warning (mostly to criminals, of course):

    If you are considering stealing identification from others to commit identity fraud, please be aware that stealing social security numbers could get you into even more hot water than you might think! A self-appointed prophet has some news for you! Social security numbers are the mark of the beast, so you might want to think twice before stealing somebody else's digits! {And for those of you that are American citizens contemplating stealing another's ss number for identity fraud- ask yourself, do you really want two marks of the beast?}

    Criminal mind or not, American citizens need to be aware of the governments quiet conspiracy to doom you eternally with it's evil numerical branding! So says Christopher Holloman Hansen, founder of The First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty.

    In his thirteen Testaments of truth you'll find:

    6. We Recognize as Truth that any form of numerical identification or NAME CHANGE, such as the Social Security Identification Number and/or a NEW SATANIC NAME, of individual Sovereigns or their children is a direct violation of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution and is, either a precursor to or in actuality, the prophesied numerical satanic "Mark of the Beast" and we reject them on both legal and religious grounds.


    Now why do i care about this? Well, I don't. But I saw the article online(below) and out of curiousity I decided to google him. So it's kind of an aside, if you will. Anyway, check out the inspiration piece below. It's chock full of wacky religious hijinks (and they say mysogyny chivalry is dead!) :

    Husband asks to be prosecuted for wife's crime

    By Associated Press, 6/25/2003

    RAVENNA, Ohio -- A husband thinks he should be prosecuted for his wife's failure to stop driving while she breastfed their baby on the Ohio Turnpike.

    Catherine Nicole Donkers, 29, of suburban Pittsburgh, is to go on trial Aug. 6 on misdemeanor charges of child endangering, failure to comply with the order of a police officer and several other driving infractions.

    Her husband, Brad L. Barnhill, said he wants to be tried instead, citing religious beliefs.

    "I'm responsible for what she does, and no one can punish her except me," said Barnhill, 46, a minister in the First Christian Fellowship for Eternal Sovereignty, an organization founded by Christopher Hansen of Henderson, Nev., in the late 1990s.

    "That's a fantasy," prosecutor Victor V. Vigluicci said Tuesday. "I've never heard such a thing."

    The couple has not yet hired an attorney, according to court records.

    A truck driver called 911 on May 8 to report that he had seen a woman driving her car with a baby in her lap.

    Asked why his wife did not stop to nurse the child, Barnhill said she didn't want to turn "a five-hour trip to Michigan into a seven-hour trip."

    A conviction for misdemeanor child endangering carries maximum penalties of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine

  • gumby
    A self-appointed prophet has some news for you!

    Self appointed or God appointed..........they are ALWAYS full of shit!


  • Scully
    Asked why his wife did not stop to nurse the child, Barnhill said she didn't want to turn "a five-hour trip to Michigan into a seven-hour trip."

    Good grief. The stupidity of some people never ceases to astound me.

    Love, Scully

  • detective

    Judge to defendant:

    "Sir, did it occur to you that nursing your child while driving might endanger the well-being of your offspring?"

    Mmmm. that'll work.

  • teenyuck

    This made national news.

    The local news covers anything that happens in the state of Ohio and makes the national media. All they said last night was that the husband of the woman caught breast feeding while she drove wanted to be tried in her place due to religious concerns.

    I thought for sure they would be JWs.

    This woman looks and sounds educated. She does not sound like a hillbilly from Zanesville, Ohio (If you look up Zanesville and news, you will understand). She is pretty, in an unkept, dirty hair in a pony tail kind of way.

    The weird part is the driver of an 18 wheeler....what the heck was he trying to get a look at? I know truckers do this all the time, which just proves their eyes are not on the road enough.

    I am not, however, advocating breast feeding while driving. Please pull over...

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