Elders passing the buck

by Maverick 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    One night while riding as a observer with my police officer older brother, we got a 'fight at Bar' call. Seem this young, dark curly haired, New York Italian ran the pool table on some red necked, local boys. They, still being piss about the War of Northern aggression, did what young, inarticulate, inebriated, men do when a Yankee shows them up, four of them grab the fellow and beat the snot out of him right next to the pool table. Then they carried him to the door and dumped him on the sidewalk outside the entrance, then they went and sat at the bar and forgot all about him. When we arrived this guy was leaning over the hood of his car. After getting all the facts and making sure the guy was going to live, my brother told the guy he should not have been in this dumpy Bar. He should go to this place called City Lights. My brother told our victim that, unlike this place, the ladies are nice and have teeth and the dudes all wear shinny, cool looking clothes like him! He was so releaved, imagining he was about to spend the night in some Mayberry/Macon County type jail, he told my brother that he was the nicest cop he had ever run into! We followed him, in silence, a few blocks to make sure he beat it! When I could stand it no more I asked," Why did you tell this Yankee to go to City Lights?" His reply" Not my jurisdiction!"

    I know I took the long-way-round the barn, but here's my point: The Elders in the Halls I went to would often blow some of the friends off and ignore them hoping they would leave,(move) then these people would be some other group of Elders problem.

    I my own case, I was sent by the CO to a Hall that needed experienced brothers. After three years, my wife wanted to get out of that Hall. I was giving Instruction Talks, Bible Highlights, service Meeting parts and was a Book Study conductor. I was sure the brothers would not be too happy with us leaving. So I told my wife that I would bring in up at the next Elders meeting, thinking they would be opposed and that would end this. When I mentioned that we were thinking of leaving, these guys could not shake my hand fast enough! They all wished us well where ever we were going! Boy, Mr Stupid-head really was oblivious! I never was an Elder again after that. Turned in down twice. Anyone else experience this? Maverick

  • outnfree


    But, then again, I am but a lowly female!


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I was never an elder, and never really had a position of any kind, spent most of my time figuring how I am gonna get out.

    But, your point got me thinking, an old saying by a brother in my congregation (I'm sure lots have said this but,) "you either fit in, or you don't, and the ones that don't usually leave and never come back." He was disgusted (didn't say it but sure showed it) with how people with positions would treat members in the congregation. He would also say " I always thought we were all working for the same god, guess not."

    Not exactly Einstein, but I learned alot from these comments.

    Jesus said, "you're true if you have love amongst yourselves." he would be disgusted with the organization today.

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