Book: Bad Blood

by Nosferatu 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    This book, "Bad Blood" by George Dalgleish was written by a Jehovah's Witness here in Winnipeg. I only have a B&W scanner, and the red turned out faintly. I clearly remember my mother packing this book for shipping when working for a JW, and she recieved a free copy as well as having the privelage of meeting the "famous" author.

    The book flopped - big time. It's out of print, and was written in sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s. There's no copyright date anywhere in the book, but the newest reference in the book is from 1988.

    There are lots of hints that George is a JW. The book is dedicated to "The Master Physician".

    George had 2 interviews with people in this book who were no doubt JWs as well.

    Page 140:

    Q: At some point you decided you didn't want any more blood transfusions! What age were you and why did you decide to stop taking blood transfusions?
    Mr. Wortendyke: The last time I accepted a blood transfusion was on November 6, 1970. I was about twenty at the time, and it's been close to twenty years now since I accepted blood. I was changing my religion at the time and it was for religious reasons that I made this decision.

    Page 143-144:

    Q: Obviously there was something causing the low hemoglobin. Did the doctor find the cause?
    Mr. Morton: It was finally diagnosed as large cell lymphoma. I was treated with prednisone to stabilize my blood. A short time later I noticed some little spots on my skin. At first I didn't pay much attention to it but began to feel poorly. These spots proved to be petchia [small spots made by the escape of blood from the capillaries]. Later that night when I took out my partial plate my mouth was full of blood and blood clots. That same night I went to see my doctor. He told me I had a platelet problem and the petchia were evidence that my platelet count was under ten thousand. He said that if I didn't get to the hospital and have a blood transfusion within the next hour or so, I would die. I told him that I would not accept a blood transfusion rejecting them on both medical and religious grounds. I was certainly willing to go to the hospital and be treated without blood. I knew from my studies that persons with my problem have been successfully treated without blood or blood products.

    Personally, I have never known anybody other than JWs who have carried a card that states "No Blood"

    Page 199-200:

    If you and your family members carry a medical alert card stating that you want bloodless treatment, ask him to note this in the file also. Make sure your medical alert card is signed, witnessed and up to date.
    You may also have some written or published material you want to have added to your file.

    From what I can recall, wasn't there a tract or brochure from the Society on the subject of blood transfusions?

    It's also interesting to note that I didn't come across the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" once while flipping through this book. There are absolutely no references to the Society's publications either. The only trace of anything religious was right at the end of the book; barely quoted from the bible is Acts 15:29. It's also not noted which bible it was quoted from.

    Page 213:

    To "...abstain from blood," can mean your life! "Good health to you."

    This isn't even quoted properly from the NWT, and it's definately not from the King James version which states "Fair ye well" instead of "Good health to you."

    I'm guessing this book is supposed to give the impression that it was written by a professional, and not a JW. The sad part is when you get to the end of the book, and trace it to the last reference, you realized you've been tricked.

  • Nosferatu

    Damn! Don't know how to edit the post. Here's the link to my crappy scanning of the cover:

  • Nosferatu
  • Scully

    Hi Nosferatu:

    We had the dubious pleasure of meeting George Dalgliesh several years ago at the semi-annual home improvements show. Seems you found him to be a bit pretentious too, eh? LOL

    I actually still have a copy of that book on my bookshelf. It's basically a complete re-hash of the brochure "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood" with some anecdotes thrown in. My copy is in excellent condition. I think we only paid $8 for it back in 89.

    Love, Scully

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