Another jw convicted of child sex abuse.

by lancelink 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lancelink

    For the past year, the trial for this jw has been going on. He was sentenced on 12/19 .

    I have been following the comments on FB regarding the aftereffects of this case, and there have been quite a lot of incendiary statements about what a scum he is.

    One lady posted the following comments about how the witnesses deal with abusers is quite hilarious :

    Like I said, they follow the laws of the land. At the time of the first incident the laws protected all confessions made to religious leaders. A religious leader would have been breaking a law to report to the police without the family consent. The family also didn’t report it to authorities back then either. Everyone was under the impression that it had stopped upon the confession being made. They found out more recently that the abuse was STILL going on. Just recently the law changed that tells that religious leaders must report to child protective services. The elders turned them into DCFS, and DCFS turned them into authorities. Like I said, I have witnessed them turning others into DCFS for any suspected abuse. You can’t fully believe everything you read on the internet.

    He was not a Jehovahs Witness Priest (even though they are called Elders not priests). And trust me, when an elder is informed of child abuse, they turn them into DCFS, and inform the family of their right to seek justice through the authorities. There are so many rumors about how it is handled, but I have witnessed first hand them turning people into the authorities for any kind of child abuse. They fully follow the laws of the land.
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    But now, the civil trial against the wt society and local kingdom hall elders, ( who did not follow the child abuse laws ) will be gaining traction this year. One of the elders was a school teacher during this time, he was a mandated reporter and failed to do what was necessary because saving the society was the most important thing to do. should be interesting !

  • Tantalon

    This woman alleges she has witnessed first hand the turning of others over to the authorities for child abuse. How many pedos do they have in their ranks? She didn't think that through before she started telling porky pies now did she? So is it apostate lies or do they have a huge pedo problem?

  • Listener
    Like I said, they follow the laws of the land. At the time of the first incident the laws protected all confessions made to religious leaders. A religious leader would have been breaking a law to report to the police without the family consent.
    The family also didn’t report it to authorities back then either.

    She states that the family didn't report it to the police. This would indicate that it was the victims family that reported the abuse to the Elders.

    Even if the law protected confessions this was not a confession. It is not a confession when the abused or the family report to the Elders. Only the criminal can make a confession. Therefore, the Elders would not have been breaking any law. For her to claim so sounds more like the tricky talk spun by the Watchtower.

    You can’t fully believe everything you read on the internet.

    Its clear that the JWs are spinning their own stories on the Internet and are easily caught out when you examine what they say. She's right, you can't believe everything you read on the Internet and for that matter, in Watchtower's publications.

  • Giordano

    Anybody that has passed up revealing a child sexual abuse crime....... especially an Elder...... needs to be locked up.

    "Only the criminal can make a confession. Therefore, the Elders would not have been breaking any law."

    Nonsense if the child's underwear had blood stains....... I'd say that was proof of an assult.

    We know Elder's had ample notice of a child sexual abuse issue but decided not to rock the boat.

    Giving them a pass violates what Jesus said....

    Matthew 19:14 NIV -

    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

    Do you think that child sexual abuse might hinder a child?
  • lancelink

    This abuse has been going on for the past decade.

    Here is the earlier story I posted here several weeks ago :

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