Looking for a scan of the July 1974 Kingdom Ministry written in SPANISH

by elkatire1980 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • elkatire1980

    Could someone provide me with the scan in Spanish, please ?


    El Kato

  • elkatire1980

    Hello, Please I need your help!!

    The Spanish written Kingdom Ministry of July 1974 is the equivalent to the English written May 1974, that one that said: Sell your home and quit your Job.

    But in the Spanish written Kingdom Ministry that I have, It does not appear anything about this subject and paragraph. I think cuz this is impressed in Spain not in United States.

    Do you have a copy in Spanish impressed in United States?

    Thanks a lot.

  • jaydee

    You will find that the quote you are looking for was on page 3 of the U.S issue,..

    .the insert of the KM..

    and possibly only in the U.S edition of the KM

    The corresponding KM's for other countries, had a different insert in them.

    *..Italic = edit

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I would be very surprised if that quote wasn't available on any WATCHTOWER LIBRARY ESPAÑOL CD

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