And now for something completely controversial....

by CaptainSchmideo 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I discovered this little polemic last nite.

    The writer is the writer/artist/publisher of a comic book called "Cerebus The Aardvark"

    I always knew this guy had some definite opinions on stuff, but, boyoboy, this one is a doozy.

    I leave it to you to read and comment on this.

    Just shows that you don't have to be a Watchtower writer to be misogynistic a-----le........

  • Gopher

    That was a bit too long -- I couldn't read the whole thing.

    But whenever people speak in such generalities about how whole groups of people think and behave, they betray their obvious ignorance. It just makes you wonder is he hateful, stupid, or just looking for a reaction?

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I think a little of everything.

    When the guy who does all the writing and artwork is also the boss, there is no one to pull the reins, no editorial control at all, other than his own whims...

    Hey, that kinda sounds like the Governing Body, don't it!

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