Mates Joined at the Hip?

by peacefulpete 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    Not according to the Zend-Avesta, the ancient Persian scriptures. In this legend, which paralleles the Bible Genesis story on many point ssuch as the snake temptation, 6 days of creating followed by rest holy fruit,etc, the God AhuraMazda creats the first pair joined at the back. He then separates them and commands them to be pure in thoughts,speech and actions.

    The question is does the Bible retain this early tradition at Gen 5:2? There it says, Male and Female he created them, and blessed them, and named THEM ADAM. Jewish Targum and Talmud teach that Adam was created man and woman at the same time,having two faces turned in two opposite directions, and that the Creator separated the feminine half from him, in order to make her a distinct person. Flesh of my flesh. Romantic no?

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