ten things I love not being borganized

by little witch 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • little witch
    little witch

    1 The joy in my childs eyes when we sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY

    2 Christmas tree twinkling in the living room..... oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, awwwwwwwwwww

    3 flying the stars and stripes

    4 seeing tears stream down the face of my sister when she blew out the candles of her birthday cake for the first time at age 38

    5 reading a bible without watchtower assistance

    6 making my own decisions

    7 smoking a good ciggarette

    8 cold beer!

    9 A good shag, baby!

    10 websites that allow free expression after years of smothering!!! FREEDOM ROCKS!!! Thanks Simon!

  • Almost There
    Almost There

    1. Seeing my children blow out birthday candles.

    2. Watching my children perform at the Christmas pageant at school.

    3. Going to church and singing and rejoincing and praising the lord (black folks style)

    4. Having friends that I truly love and TRUST

    5. Not feeling guilty if I don't want to go to church.

    6. Give true love to my friends and receiving it back.

    7. Standing up for the pledge of allegiance. Standing up during the singing of the national anthem

    8. Being able to vote for the person I think will make my families life better

    9. Letting my children chose their own friends.

    10. Attending my childrens sporting events

    11. Attending holiday celebrations with my Dear Family and Friends.

    12. Not judging my friends choices (even when I don't agree), but supporting them.

    13. My new relationship with my siblings (all 4 of us have left the JW org.)

    14. Buying gifts for my neice and nephews birthdays, Xmas, etc.

    15. Wishing my Co-workers happy Birthday, Xmas, etc.

    I could go on and on.

    I'm just happy to out of the Borg.

  • Noumenon

    Smoking, drinking beer (what has that got to do with not being a JW?), shagging (ditto), nationalism?????

    Your SAD little witch...SAD!!!

    And who gives a toss about stupid birthdays and christmas anyway..

    ...stop kidding yourself.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I first moved to Winnipeg I was surprised to discover that people keep their xmas lights up all year AND TURN THEM ON!!!

    So.... in the spirit of being a good Pegger


  • pamkw

    All of the above and...

    1. reading any smutty novel I want too

    2. watching R rated movies without feeling guilty

    3. Flurting without having to get married

    4. never wearing a dress or panty hose again

    5. smiling sweetly at my mother while I tell her that I am happier now than I have ever been, and watching her look confused

    6. learning about different beliefs and enjoying it

    7. no longer fearing demons around every corner

    8. wearing religious jewelry if I want too

    9. sleeping in late on Sat and Sun mornings

    10. playing dungeon and dragon video games

    Basicly just having a good time living in the moment, and not worrying about the future (end of the world).


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