Some JW's are fanantics

by Anne 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anne

    My youngest brother graduated from high school this past weekend so I was back to the 'folks for a visit.

    I think I've been doing rather well up until this point. My husband and I have been talking things through, and we both know we don't want to go back. This has made me a little bolder when dealing with my parents.

    My mom has been tiptoeing around the idea of us being inactive because I think she's afraid of what I might say. Well I was sitting up talking with my parents, getting caught up on things, then as soon as my mom goes to bed my dad starts in. I told him point blank (no hedging this time), that I just don't believe in it anymore. He starts spouting scriptures, which make absolutely no sense, then he actually starts to yell, I mean scream at me.

    No one talks to me that way, not anymore. I will not tolerate that and he knows it. (It's a good thing my husband wasn't with me.) Well anyway I just walked away from the fight like I always do. (If he would have followed me to continue I would have left and went home.)

    How can a religion that provolks someone to fits of rage be the truth? How can you reason with someone who is unreasonable? I really wonder if he isn't bi-polar.

    I know they see things that are wrong. They are always complaining about so and so. I don't try to change their views, I even support my siblings efforts to pioneer, etc, if it makes them happy. My hope is to just quietly show by my life choices that there is an existence outside of the cult.

    Well anyway, my dad acted like there was nothing wrong the next day. I went to my brother's party, saw all the old congo members. The congregation has shrunk considerably, down to about 50 pubs, from a high of almost 100 ten years ago. Mostly only the over 50 croud left.


    No they all are fanantics. Don't waste your energy trying to explain who you are. Be yourself.

  • shamus

    Good for you for standing up for yourself.

    As to asking why your father finds it necessary to scream at you, you need to ask him that, point blank.

    Are you sure you don't want to go back???

    Just kidding, of course!

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