All that ice scream money is put to good use:
Watchtower building 5.5 million dollar park
by wannaexit 5 Replies latest jw friends
And how many people had to holler before the WTS finally agreed to hold up their end of the deal? -
The Borg will round up a bunch of volunteer jws and in the end probably spend less then a couple hundred grand. Then they'll print a magazine article patting themselves on the back. -
Sounds like there doing the right thing. I'm sure they knew that they had to, but regardless it's hard to complain about them funding the park with over 5 million. -
Crazyguy: The Borg will round up a bunch of volunteer jws and in the end probably spend less then a couple hundred grand.
No, they won't. That is exactly why they are in the situation they are right now. The City of New York would not allow them to use volunteer labour for a city project. The park was to be built over a decade ago but the WTS did not fulfill their obligation - instead they came up with all sorts of "blame somebody else" excuses for their lack of committement. Now, they are forced to hand over a bit of cash to see that their prior commitment is realized.
The WT's "volunteer labour" was rejected - they were not allowed to do it the way they have always managed to get away with in the past. This time, they have to pay real cash.
In the whole big picture, 5.5 million is a pretty small chunk of change to part with considering that they stand to make over a billion dollars on the sale of the property that is connected to this "park controversy". That amount is only .55% of the potential sale value of the property. I think the WTS is getting away pretty easy on this one.
Still, it's about time they did something. And I'm happy that they did. Actually, I'm surprised at the article, to be honest. "Who do we write the check out to" Devine asked. Well, that's a start.
If only they would be so open about the child abuse cases, but hey, one step at a time...