Quote of the day

by Billygoat 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." - Christopher Columbus

    Some of you understand my struggles with depression in the past. If not, you might browse through some of the depression threads here. If you are an exJW, or are a lurking JW that is experiencing depression, please know that given time, things do get better. If nothing else, have faith in THAT.

    Follow the light of the sun.


  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda


    Thanks for that, sweetheart. Sometimes even those of us who are doing better most days have our moments of darkness still...thanks for shining a light for us.



  • be wise
    be wise

    Nice thread, Andi!

    I used to suffer from depression as a JW , it affected my life very negatively in a lot of ways and really affected my relationship with other people but I've come a loooooooooong way since then.

    You're absolutely right with time things do get better. Just keep at it, other people cannot understand how you feel and think, everyone is unique, you've gotta be that individual.

    This is impossible if you are a JW unless you 'agree' to do it 'their way' and close your mind to the world. I didn't realise how genuine and nice a lot of people really are without being force-fed the junk that I was. I'm now starting to make real friends.

    be wise.

  • RubyTuesday

    I used to be depressed until I decided to focus on the good things in my life. I am also in better tune with myself. Sometimes I THINK I'm depressed but really I might just be too tired and need to sleep or maybe I'm just hungry. I also keep very busy and try to think about others rather than myself. Exercise really makes me feel better also...

    Here is my quote for the day;

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us
    Author: Helen Keller

  • Billygoat

    ((((((((((essie)))))))))))) It's okay to be in the darkness. Those moments are hard, but if we close our eyes, we can hear the others with us in that darkness. You are not alone. PM me if you need me. I'm here.

    Be wise,

    ...but I've come a loooooooooong way since then.

    We all have. Some faster than others, some take different routes. But in the end I think we have the same results if we follow your advice:

    Just keep at it...


    I used to be depressed until I decided to focus on the good things in my life.

    My therapist gave me this exercise: Look around the room for 30 seconds. Count all the blue items you see. Now, close your eyes. And try to remember all the red items you saw. It's hard to remember isn't it? Because all we focused on was the blue stuff. It's the same with our everyday lives. We have a choice to focus on the bad or the good. Whatever we focus on is the stuff we remember. We have so much more control than many people think.

    Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm just feeling the strangest sense of peace this afternoon. Like no matter what happens, all will be well. I just wanted to share that.


  • Scully

    Hi Billygoat

    Thanks for sharing.

    Here's one that I like:

    People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

    Love, Scully

  • MegaDude
    Attending to symptoms, we lose our purpose.

    -- Shoma Morita

    The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

    --Robert Byrne

  • kproscts

    My will to survive and achieve is greater than that which oppose me. (Even though it kicks my ass quite frequently) - KPROSCTS

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