Public Talk 6/8/03....Mercy

by integ 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    The public talk today was on mercy. At first glance you think "oh, just another rehash of old stuff we already have heard, just general, sanitized stuff". But I believe there is a method to this madness. While we were treated to the usual tiresome biblical examples of mercy, as is the case in most public talks, the real "point" attempting to be made is usually expressed in the last 15 minutes or so of the talk. It was explained that we are to be merciful to everyone INCLUDING those taking the lead among us. The point? We should forgive the perceived mistakes of the FDS, and show MERCY to THEM (this was inferred, not stated directly) Are they preparing us for a possible apology from the FDS? Doubtful, I know, but there has been a growing number of articles, talks, etc. regarding showing more love and compassion to others. Which begs the question....'Is there possibly going to be some "new light" on the disfellowshipping doctrine?' Elders were admonished (witnessism) to be extra tender when dealing with the flock, and not to rush to negative conclusions in regards to people under their "care". With all the legal troubles with the society directly or indirectly associated with the Df'ing issue, it makes me wonder. Although on the flip side of that, they have gotten even tougher on associating with those who say that they don't want to be in the "truth" anymore. Any thoughts on where they are going with this stuff? I'm a little perplexed by it all.



  • bigboi

    I think this is probably representative of an inner struggle at headquarters between moderates and hardliners in the various departments resposible for writing, teaching and doctrine. I think that's the only logical explanation for the constant flip-flopping and contradictory messages. Sure is confusing enough though.

  • logansrun

    I have a talk outline which I only gave once which was about mercy. I believe the title was, "Mercy -- A Dominant Quality of True Christians." I highly doubt the outline has changed to extend the meaning toward being merciful to the FDS. It seems like that admittedly subtle point was there all along.


    (It was one of the better outlines I had, though)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    How about

    We are asking you to be merciful to the pedophiles amongst you. If the are repentant who are we or you to say they cannot be in the congregation


    We are asking you to be merciful to the elders who may have mishandled sexual abuse cases

    Not that they would ever come out and say that directly because they never say anything really important in a direct fashion

  • garybuss

    Thanks for the update Integ.

    There's nothing for me to be confused about. The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation and it's franchise religion, Jehovah's Witnesses, are extortionists, felons, abusing children, shunning the innocent vulnerable, grabbing after more wealth while using dishonest recruiting practices and inducing members to refuse modern medical treatment under the threat of shunning.

    They can slip and slide in their own feces all they want, I have contempt for them and what they have done to you and to my friends and family every single day.

    That on again off again treatment policy is what they have been using to wear us down for decades. It's old strategy and I am not going to sucker for it ever again. They toss out those meat scraps to keep the troops going in the face of failure on every level except the wealth and power of the publishing corporation.

    They must be using incredible force to keep control of the Witness people in the attempt to keep archaic doctrine of ghostly messaging and rituals of endless meetings and service, in place and functioning.


  • jws
    We are asking you to be merciful to the elders who may have mishandled sexual abuse cases

    I think this hits the nail on the head. It may be a plea to avoid or reduce lawsuits against leaders for harmful doctrines such as blood transfusions or child molestation policies.

    If an elder handled your molestation case poorly and let the guilty party go free because you were the only one to testify, have mercy and don't sue him. If your mother died because of refusing a blood transfusion, don't sue them.

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