jw visit

by kilroy2 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kilroy2

    well, I got my march visit in june. two elders that I have known for a very long time showed up at my house today, to ask what my intention was with reguard to riligion. And that it has been said that I have been saying things against the org. I told them that I just did not know, and that I had many unanswerd questions. They asked like what? well I started with 607 bce. and why charles taz was wrong about everything if he was gods only rep, on earth in 1914. thay asked if I felt if the org. was gods chosen means for communication on earth. I replied I dont know. I tried to keep it on the I just dont know. do you this or that, I dont know, is what I replied. I dont know if it is enough to keep me from being df,ed but if not oh well. I tried. I dont really care. I just dont want to give them the satisfaction. does any one know what the protocall is on something like this? was it a get em in or out kind of call? any experiances like this will be appreciated.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Haven't experienced anything like this myself, yet, Kilroy2 but if they called on me I would just say I don't want to talk, I'm to busy and tell them nothing at all. Is doesn't matter what they know, it's what they can prove.

    I'm sure many have had expereinces where this isn't the case though, so maybe I'm wrong.

  • drwtsn32

    Sounds like they were looking for a reason to DA you. When the elders ask stuff like "Do you still consider yourself a JW?" or "Do you still believe the WTS is God's chosen org?" -- look out.

    Of course, if you don't care about being DA'd then let 'em have it!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Kilroy, they do not give a twit about your relationship with God, It is all about do you accept the borg as His channel.

    That is the defining question. Your relationship with God is personal, and not subject to speculation, right? After all it is your God. But what they wanna know is, are you going to be a good dub, and tow the line. Are you willing to have two gods? Your god, and the borg?

    If your answer was no, then you will surely be disfellowshipped. If it is maybe, that will probobly not be good enough, as you are ''having doubts''. If it is yes, then do what you are told, attend meetings, assemblies, do ''service'', etc.

    I hope you are ok with what will happen. I urge you to seek a good support network, and be done with those goofballs!

  • kilroy2

    I have not steped into a kingdumb hall in over 9 years. this was sparked by some one telling [suposedly] that I was dissin the org. mostly i told them I did not know. I was confused. but that I had heard all these questions on the net about 607. taz using the pirimids for date setting. why if taz was the only one on earth that was doing the good work, would you be dfed for teaching any thing he tought? I was given the same old shit about the light getting brighter and brighter. I replied that this light started at pentacost so by the time taz took the helm it should have been sun like. not all fuc$ ed up. and that it is important to know for sure as you make desisions for your kids as to playing in sports going to collage ect. based on the end of the world being so close. funny the one elder zac guardner his daughter graduated last weekent and was vladicktorian [spelling?] this was a no no when I grew up. also she is going to davenport collage to be an accountant. this was a big no no as you should be pioneering or applying to bethal. and as far as I know it still is. I wounder if he was conflictd when I told him about making the desision to not go to collage as the end was so close? any way they left the one elder [butch rep] took the 607 questions and said that he would look up the information. I told him I already called the socity direct and they sent me what they had to back up 607, the olympic dates. I have fairly good the dates and how arived at for 607 and the secularly confirmed date 586 7 destruction of the temple by nez the second. and the dubber arrived at from 537 the date cirus freed the jews to rebiuld the temple, 70 years counting back gets to 607.. but the olympic games dates I have not had a chance to try to absorbe the info. so if any one has why this is a bogus reasoning on the 607 back up. Please post why and give detailed dates and reasonings so I can defend my self when the borglets come back. I have been a dubber for over 35 years. and out for 9. It took me a long time but I have slowely freed myself from the shackles of thair tirney. there is not way I would return to a hall,study,ect. me and my wife have lost her parents[ this is not bad if you knew them] my grandparent and the friends we grew up with. also we get the look of death when we see those still in bonds. but we have gained the world and our freedom. as willam wallace said " they may take thair friend ship but thay can never take our freedom" btw. my baptized brother who left the org. about 3 years ago. was out to pick up pizza last night and lit up a cig. and around the corner came a buss load of dumbers. and all saw him lighting up. He called me and asked me what would happen. I told him that as far as I knew if they wanted to do an action they would have a judiciary commity and call him in. He said he would not go.I told him that would result in dfing. but their is one chance if he did not wnat to be dfed. that is to say that because of his migrain headaces his alturnitive dr. gave him herbal cigarettes to smoke. I have what is called herbal gold[ no not pot] they are made up of marshmallow yerba,santa,damiana, passion flower,jasmin and ginseing.at minimum this will confuse them and they will have to send for help to clarify the situation. and he would probely get off with a no this is not acceptable so you will have to stop. the counter argument is that a dubber can not take drugs for pleasure but for medical purposes they can take all sorts of euphoric giving drugs if perscrieb.so time will tell.

  • Maverick

    Kilroy2, If two Elders came by then they were on a fishing exp. After 9 years they are not looking for you to come back. They want to netralize you. They will lie to you as to looking up answers to your questions. They have no problem lying to someone they think is not worthy of telling the truth to. You talked bad about 'mother' and all is fair my friend! These clowns are not done with you, lock and load! Maverick

  • Hamas

    Nice post Kilroy, but try better formatting it looks much better and is easier to read my friend.

    This type of visit sounds very familiar. Elders are always on the look out for the inactive ones, new orders from Brooklyn have placed pressure on elders in the congregation to do so.

    I had a similar discussion with an elder concerning the Organziation, and how it cannot possibly be from God. However, you can get so far, then it seems as though there is no point to any further discussion, they simply turn into self righteous judging pharasees and begin to put you down. It's a worthless task.

    I wonder how many elders begin to have doubts themselves after visiting the inactive ?!?

  • kilroy2

    How's this hamas.btw I am not sure about your user name. very bad sort these terrorists. the elder I grew up with, zac guardner, was the one about several years ago that I said that the org. was like the scientoligests. That went over like a lead balloon. the second elder butch rep was the one who called me right after and I told I knew where he lived, and he would be the first I would come to if I wanted to talk religon. and that he was not welcome to come to my house to talk religon. but if he wanted to use my shooting range he was welcome. but no religon. that was about 5 years ago. I dont think I gave the farm away. as I just questioned them and said that I read this or that on the net. I know they dont like any one reading Info on the net. and it is hard to prove that it is apastate. they will come back and this time I will be more prepared for them. the cought me off guard. ie. working up in my barn. next time the sand bags will be set and the m-60 on tripod and no quarter given.

  • Wolfgirl

    I think what hamas meant was to try to break up your big posts by making paragraphs. It would be easier to read that way. :)

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