Secret abortions and JW's

by Gopher 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gopher

    In this thread: --- what is the worst thing you ever heard a JW had done, there was a post about a daughter of a prominent elder getting pregnant by her JW boyfriend, and the family funding a secret abortion, and the daughter was able to go on with regular JW life.

    This example happened in the eastern United States. I know of the exact same thing happening here in the midwest.

    I'm wondering if this is a secret policy of the society or certain JW congregations, that it is okay to have an abortion to cover up a pregnancy of a child of a prominent elder, so that elder would be able to continue in his position?

    The fact that it even happened twice is quite sickening. It shows that the JW's will stop at nothing to preserve their reputation as a "clean" people who produce the "best" Christians in the world, even when unseemly things such as abortion and pedophilia are swept under the rug.


    Am I surprised? NO...........Am I disgusted and disturbed????????? YES.

    Imagine how that young girl must feel. The hypocracy makes me sick.

    Oh well, that mound under the JW rug must be getting rather large hey?

    cheers, bliss

  • Scully

    I agree that the hypocrisy displayed by the baptized JW ADULTS for the sake of their own reputations and standing in the congregation in these situations is deplorable.

    However, on the other hand, you have other baptized JW ADULTS who would gladly turn their pregnant, unmarried, teenaged daughters over to the elders to have them subject to judicial committees for disfellowshipping and shunning, in order to punish the girl and at the same time appear to be morally superior to their daughter.

    Then there are boys who donated their sperm and then deny paternity (with the encouragement of their baptized JW ADULT parents), in order to avoid being subject to judicial committees and the consequences thereof, as well as to preserve their own reputation in the congregation.

    Babies that are born out of wedlock among JWs seem to forever be treated and viewed as "illegitimate", more flawed than everyone else in some way, as a way of reminding the baby's mother that she messed up big time. This behaviour/treatment is also meted out by baptized JW ADULTS.

    Disgusting behaviour like this is going to continue, as long as baptized JW ADULTS believe that it is OK to act like bullies, treat other people - including their own offspring - like human waste, and spiritually abuse (with DFing and shunning) people who need support, love and encouragement. JW ADULTS who place their reputation above their children's well being and above honesty are NOT capable of making sound judgements.

    Love, Scully

  • SheilaM

    What Scully said

  • toddy
  • rocketman

    Interesting question, though I'd imagine that, rather than "policy", whether local or otherwise (though a somewhat regular practice of something could in effect be considered a policy in certain respects), it is more isolated than that. I doubt that there are many jws practicing such things or elders condoning it and abetting it. But, hey, stranger things have happened.

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