Losing weight (diet) encouragement thread

by TresHappy 5 Replies latest social current

  • TresHappy

    Like many of us, I have struggled with weight all of my adult life. I came into this world weighing over 10 lbs, and it seems it has been a struggle for me almost ever since. I lost 70 lbs about 7 years ago, and kept it off for 5 years, however I have put most of it back on. I started 2 months ago and have lost 13 lbs. Anyone on this forum need some encouragement. I am counting points the Weight Watchers way (on my own) and have started to exercise. I really want to get back into my size 10 jeans!

  • pr_capone

    I m happy to report that I have been on my own weight loosing attempt and I have achieved my goal. In less than 3 months I have dropped down from 272 to 232. YAY! Damn I look good too. I am shooting for 215 by the time I leave for Basic on Sept 30th.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • breal

    Good work! I recently joined a gym and although my first month I only made it twice a week I am committing to 3x a week this month at the gym & then working out at home in between if I feel up to it. My goal is to lose about 20 -25 lbs. But I don't really want to "diet" since I love food. Plus I started going for trail rides on my mountain bike.

  • berylblue

    I could use some encouragement. I have ten pounds to lose, and it's just not happening.


  • fairy

    i have a lot to lose....tried so many times and put it all back on...plus more....

    but i am going to start again and this time i am going to make damn sure i dont put it all back on..

    main cause of all that ..well, different things....no self esteem for one, didnt like myself because i was putting on weight, problems with some of my family, some in the family treating me like a kid, things to do with the witnesses.....oh well, whats in the past is in the past and i must move on,......hopefully to a thinner life!!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I need to lose some. I feel like shit. Being an 87cm waist doesnt interest me, Id be happy just being 97 or 102. Thats realistic and i felt okay when I was 97cm. Unfortunately, some people are destined to struggle against odds their entire life and I am such a person, one battle after another. I dont feel Ive done much to deserve being fat, its just one of those things, In my opinion. I think some people are prone that way, which is just too bad for them I guess.

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