To Prisca

by Guest 77 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Prisca, I tried a few times to reply to your post and I got locked out. Anyways, I'm giving you two thumbs up for your comments about Farkel.

    I've had my bouts with Farkel but I did it by way of email.

    I'm glad others have suggested that he seek professional help. I have an older fleshly brother that is highly explosive and to some degree I can understand Farkel. My brother has allowed his past bad experiences to fester inside of him and he takes it out on people.

    Farkel intimidates people but he doesn't intimidate me.

    Have a good day Prisca.

    Guest 77

  • Prisca

    Thank you ((((Guest)))) for understanding where I am coming from.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Okay, Ive been away a week. Whats been going on? Has Prisca been misbehaving ?

    (Sigh. Pris. you are AWFUL.....but I LIKE you)

  • Francois

    I rather like Fark myself. He has a low tolerance for bullshit: check. He does not suffer fools gladly: check. He is intelligent and it shows: check. He is unique and independant: check. There is a large unexplained scar on my right hip, perhaps we were separated at birth.

    He has his own viewpoint and outlook and I wouldn't expect that he would be found socially fragrant by everyone. The idea that some here feel the need and the authority of telling him what to say and how he should say it, I find humerous to say the least. Essentially, these folk are saying "don't do it your way, do it MY way; it's so superior to your own." In a pig's eye.

    You go Fark.


  • Simon

    This animosity between certain posters will NOT stop until ALL those involved stop bringing it up.

    It would not surprise me if both sides went out of their way to find everything that the others posted to find things they could take offense at.

    Now, there is PM and email ... basically, no need to clutter the board with this dross.

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