Happy Mothers Day!!!

by Jang 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang

    Hello! JanG has just sent you a greeting card from Bluemountain.com.
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    Motherhood and Homemaking

    I feel like Ive wasted my life," said one mother whose last child had recently
    left home. "Ive given the best years of my life to bringing up my family while
    other women have been making a career for themselves. And what do I have to show
    for all my efforts? Nothing."

    I think that many women these days feel the same way. They have been influenced
    to believe that their role as mothers or homemakers isnt as important or as
    fulfilling as is a place in the business world.
    Are their feelings justified or not?

    First, one answer to this question depends on your attitudewhich is how you feel
    about your role and responsibilities. No matter what your work is, if you feel
    it is insignificant and distasteful you will be bored and depressed by it.
    For instance, could anything be more boring than sweeping and cleaning floors
    every day of your life? Murray Spangler was a custodian in a department store in
    Canton, Ohio, and he didnt think so. Even though the dust badly affected his
    breathing, Spangler didnt leave. Instead, he decided to work out a better way to
    clean floors. "Instead of stirring up dust with a broom," he thought, "why not
    suck it up?"

    The result? He developed a crude but workable vacuum cleaner. He then decided to
    manufacture it with the financial backing of a friend. The friends name just
    happened to be H. W. Hoover.
    Second, finding fulfillment in ones work or lot in life depends on whether or
    not one accepts it.

    To reject our role or even have mixed feelings about it is to invite frustration
    upon frustration. Even normally enjoyable tasks can thus become a burden.
    However, the opposite is also true. When we accept our role, even dull tasks can
    become meaningful.

    To do this we need to stop listening to the opinions of others and see the
    importance of what we are called to do. Every persons work is importantfrom that
    of school teacher to student...from house builder to homemaker...from scientist
    to farmer...from ditch digger to doctor...and from mother to manager.
    However, there are few jobs, if any, that carry as much significance as that of
    being a mother. She, more than anyone else, shapes the character of children who
    affect generations to come.

    Third, fulfillment is to have specific goals.
    What keeps me enthusiastic about my job is not my workbut my goals. To imagine
    any job without drudgery is fantasy. True, I'm not a mother but I do believe the
    same principles apply.

    For instance, some of the toughest work I ever did in my life was digging the
    foundations of my home. About 70 percent of the digging was in solid rock. The
    remaining 30 percent was in hard, dry clay. It was unbearably hot, the
    temperature at 110 degrees. To get the job done I had to hire a heavy
    jack-hammer. By the end of the day I could hardly even drag that jack-hammer,
    let alone lift it. I ached all over. My arms throbbed for weeks. But in spite of
    the pain, I was excited about doing that job. Why? Because I was building my own

    It was important to me, so it was easy to have a positive attitude. Plus I had a
    specific goal and a clear vision of what I wanted to do. I could already see the
    finished project. It was indelibly etched on my minds eye from the moment we
    decided to build. Thats what kept me going until the house was finished, which
    took several years.

    Its the same with my everyday work. The thing that keeps me going is my attitude
    toward my job and my goals. I believe that what Im doing is important. And with
    my goals I constantly visualize what I want to achieve. Without this attitude
    and without specific goals to work toward, I get bored and discouraged. I also
    find that I need new goals to keep me challenged and interested.

    Mothers also need to have goals. What greater achievement in life could anyone
    wish for than to know that you have invested your life in raising happy,
    emotionally and spiritually well-adjusted children?

    Fourth, if a mother or homemaker accepts her role does this mean that she
    shouldnt work outside the home? Not necessarily. Its a matter of setting
    priorities. In this day of so many modern conveniences, many women have time on
    their hands. It is therefore important for them to develop their other talents.

    When some of these abilities arent being developed and used, a lack of
    fulfillment results. Its a case of accepting the importance of both roles and
    putting first things first.

    Even with housework, mothers need to have priorities. One mother I know whose
    children have grown up said, "If I had my time over again, I wouldnt worry as
    much about my housework but would spend much more time with my children. Thats
    the most important thing to do, as all too soon they were grown up and gone."
    It is also important that mothers who do not work outside the home realize that
    the role of motherhood is not a life-time job, and that it is wise to prepare
    for the future. A wise mother will ensure that she will have something
    fulfilling to do when her children dont need her so much, or when they leave

    Fifth, to feel fulfilled, people need to feel appreciated. Motherhood is no
    exception. Even the most mundane tasks can be rewarding when people know that
    they are appreciated.

    So, husbands and children, let us never take our wives and mothers for granted,
    but express our gratitude for everything they do for usfrom mending socks, to
    washing dirty clothes, to cleaning the floors, and preparing our meals day-in,
    day-out, year-in year-out . . .And lets show this appreciation by helping all
    the time


  • outnfree

    Thanks, JanG.

    Your post was just what I needed to hear this morning.


  • Prisca

    btw, it's Mother's Day in Australia this Sunday 12 May, so I guess this is why JanG is posting this info.

  • Jang

    Your post was just what I needed to hear this morning.

    I am glad it made your day. For too long we were put down, and I cannot see the sense in the WTS ban on Mother's and Father's day. Neither have anything to do with paganism, and both are modern ways to honour our parents. That we can make a fuss of them at least one day a year, that we can make that special for them alone just because they gave you life and loved you .... to me that is so

    You have a good Mother's Day, and take pride in the role you are in!


  • Jang

    It's Mother's Day in the USA too!


  • Thirdson

    If my mom were not a JW she could enjoy two Mother's days. One for her UK based family and the one for the US family.

    This will be a holiday that will get relaxed once the current GB dies and the WTS is forced to get away from its extreme unorthodox ways.
    It will probably be too late for my mom.

    We celebrated Mother's day for several years when we were growing up. Sometime in the 1970's the Watchtower specifically banned the holiday so we stopped. The thing is the USA written Watchtower considered the reasons for not celebrating based on the USA's date. The UK date is earlier in the year...I don't know why. But why should UK JW mothers have to have their totally different "day" banned by the men in Brooklyn?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Thirdson

    P.S. My mother-in-law celebrates. Thank goodness for mother-in-laws!

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Thanks JanG:

    It is now Mother's Day here in Canada as I write this.

    You brightened up my day with your cheery message. Your site was just what I needed this morning as I know my JW daughter loves me, but how wonderful it would be to receive a special message on a special day.

    Thanks for sharing that site with us.

    Had Enough

  • patio34

    Thanks Jang! It's a beautiful card.

    I also got my first mother's day card in 28 years from my never-been-a-jw daughter. How nice!


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