Armageddon Oakies.....

by simplesally 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    I found this on the web......haha ----------------------------- Armageddon Okies part II by Gary Busselman #6 Letter from Home Chicken Pluckin and Kittenball Dear Randy, A lot has happened since you were here last time. We had to take Maw in for an eye exam last week per the suggestion of the elders. Yeah, after her comment at the Watchdog study meeting, four of em came up to her afterwards and told her that she should have her eyes examined. We had quite a discussion after the meeting about those series of articles about homosexuality. Brother Richard Noze liked the articles and three elders stuck up for him. We've been having a lot of no-shows at the Theochronic Misery school meeting. Last week it was all sisters and me. I didn't bring my glasses and I couldn't read the Society's meeting manuscript, so sister Smiley, sister Neew, sister Billows and Maw all had parts. None of them brought their hats but luckily we had LeRoy's Wonder World bag still in the pickup. Boy, some of those sisters sure looked weird with those big eared caps on. Sister Billows laughed so hard that she had one of her spells. Sis even commented about it in the pickup on the way back from the hospital. Crops look good. Bubba's out mowing the pasture east of where the little barn used to be with the John Deere so we can have a congregation picnic and kittenball game here Saturday afternoon after service. We're inviting the worldly neighbors so Bubba and the other pioneers can count their time right up to chore time. Boy I hope what happened last time doesn't happen again. Sister Neew was catcher in the kittenball game and her pants split but she didn't know went extra innings cause little Mike forgot about keeping tract. Bubba is in charge of baking the beans again. He says the secret is equal beans and onions. Last time we had to go get extra fans half way through the meeting on Sunday. We were gonna get a congregation picture but decided to wait till after chicken pluckin time so as sister Smiley would have the money for a partial plate to replace those two front teeth that she lost two weeks ago Sunday in that screen door incident up on windy hill. She sure sounds funny at the meeting when she sings "Rejoice". It sounds like she's saying "ree-dooid." Brother Haad won't sit in front of her anymore. I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do. Since I quit the township board they are right back to not grading our road again. This persecution is really getting bad. Well, got to close for now. I hear Granny banging on the back porch door to be let back in. It's a shame she has such a hard time with those new steps to the outhouse. Last time she made all 12 by herself was when old Luke the hound cold-nosed her up under her nightgown. We got four pioneers from Little Rock staying for a couple weeks in the trailer they made from plans they got from the Society under the live elm tree. One of them is a girl, is trying to teach Bubba to read. They was at it till late last night in the separator room since that has the big lite bulb. Love from all, write when you get time. Gary B. PS: We ran out of handbills for the special talk so LeRoy has all his friends at the home copying some off by hand for us. He sure picks his nose more after that week you was here.

  • simplesally

    sorry, i typed this from home and for some reason, my computer is not allowing me to format the paragraph with paragraphs! EEEEEEEk If a moderator can figure it out and edit would be appreciated.

  • SixofNine

    Hey you. That whole series is great. Maybe you could just post a link, or embedd the page?

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