what directions fate can point us in

by Nefabrummion 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nefabrummion


    I,m new here but i think this is a great webb page to let other brothers & sisters interact. I,m 23 yrs old And was raised in the truth; so I;ve never been involved in any other religion. I,m not yet baptized so i guess you would say I,m just an associate. I thought I undrstood Jehovah's Way & Purpous only to find My faith shaken and my life Spinning out of control.I lost my father last apriland 4 months later my only brother. Somethings take time to get over but this is a blow that i have not yet recovered from. When my father died I was basically treated as an outcast ;i,m the youngest of 8 so as you can imagine my life was pretty sheltered My six siters(which are allat least 20 yrs older than me), i thought would would have the wisdom and knowledge to control the situation; scince they are all baptized witnesses,but instead they turned thier back backs on my brother and myself. I was so dis-heartened the way they tried to blame me for everything. I decieded to join the Air Force, 4 months later I was called to the capt.office and informed of my brothes death. This sent me even futher down a path i was already unsure of;I knew jehovah had the power to stop all this if only it was his willbut that wa not the case and i fell into a world of funication,adultry,alcoholism and self-pitty. I now have a 9 month old son, and i see the emotions my father had for me reflecting from my ora to my son, but how can i teach my son the word of the almighty when i one who raised in the truth strayed so far and is yet to find his way back. The relationship between my mother and myself has improved vastly I guess once she realized how my sisters had wronged me and got out of her grief she saw I was a connection to what my father and brother were.After all that happened to me i still hunger for the truth.I still want to call on the name of jehovah but now i am unworthy to even speak of our lord. Now i only live to see my son in the great harvest of time;but how can i make this so

  • Gopher

    Nefab, (the rest is too long)

    Glad to meet you, and glad you put your story out here. You'll find support and friendship out here, hope you can hang around here a while.

    So sorry to hear about your father & your brother. What a tragic, down-heartening experience for you to have so young in life! And compound that with the cold-shoulder treatment you've been getting from your congregation & sisters in your time of need! Such an experience in times of need has happened to many of us on this board, you are not alone.

    At least you have your mother, and the unconditional love of your son!

    You said

    I still want to call on the name of jehovah but now i am unworthy to even speak of our lord.
    Just remember, people may have distanced themselves from you, but God never did! He is the hearer of prayer, still, even for someone who is going through hard times and has made mistakes like you. (Psalms 65:2)

    You are still precious to him as a person, and you are still important to anyone who has a heart. You have wonderful opportunity to show your goodness, first of all to your son. You don't need an organization hovering over you in order to worship God and follow his Son. Sometimes the organization even hinders your relationship with God.

    As time goes on you'll recover from all this, and I bet you'll be able to make new friends (out here on this forum and in your personal life) who will like/love you for WHO YOU ARE, and not judge you based on your imperfections.

    Best wishes and hope to hear more from you!


    (Editted for spelling)

  • Jimmer

    If you really think about it, NO ONE is "worthy" to speak to God. All those JWs, or any others for that matter, who think they are good enough to rub shoulders with God are deceived. We are not good enough. That is why God gave us Christ to be our access to Him. NOT the Watchtower Society! Listen to Gopher...talk to God through Christ and you'll be heard. Best wishes to you.

  • jurs

    Hello Nefab,
    I'm very sorry to hear about your dad and brother. I hope you keep the attitude of wanting to know the truth. When I use the word truth I mean searching and seeking EVERYTHING one might claim is the truth. Be it catholism or JW. or anything. It sounds like you need encouragement. Keep your chin up, No one is worthy. Jehovah knows your heart. If you return to Jehovah he will return to you. Remember it doesn't say you have to return to an organization..Take Care JURS

  • mommy
    Gopher~(Editted for spelling)

    Sorry I had to do that

    Welcome. I was raised in a family with 6 girls and 2 boys, bless your heart, we gave our brothers such a hard time. I can understand about you wanting to return to Jehovah, you have been through so much. It seems like you feel you left him because you have "sinned" I see it as you were human and followed your heart. You did what you felt was right at the time.

    Wow, 9 months is such a great age. I loved it when my kids were that age, they start discovering their littl world, and you can see the amazement in their face. It is fascinating to watch them. Is he starting to get into everything? They can test our nerves at this time too, but well worth it.

    Everyone comes to a place in our life when we have to make decisions that will be life altering. Going back to JW religion is a big one and requires alot of thought, prayer and research. I personally left 8 years ago and will never return. I was able to see the error in the org and refuse to let my children suffer as I did when was a child.

    Just keep looking read as much as you can. Norm posts here and he has many good articles on the JW org, he uses the wtbts own material as well. There are alot of good web sites out there as well. Many other posters here have some great info too.
    Good luck, and please stick around to let us know how it goes.

  • poohbear1962


    Welcome to the forum! I'm very sorry for what you have been through.. I can only imagine the pain and heartache you have experienced!! Not only the loss of loved ones, but also the shunning... plus the guilt you are feeling now... we are trained to feel guilt, but it really is a waste of emotion, and it's totally man-made - we can't change the past, only the future, so please forgive yourself! You've been through a very difficult time, and you were looking for love and acceptance (totally understandable)... you have begun making changes, and that is very commendable! Plus, it's sounds like you are a very responsible father, too!

    But, please remember that "God is LOVE", and he will never turn his back on one "broken in spirit"! We have all made mistakes in our lives, yet Jehovah still loves us enough to listen to our prayers - after all, he is "the hearer of prayer"! So, turn to Him in prayer with confidence... confess your errors to him, and he will forgive you... He misses you, you know... remember the parable of "The Prodigal Son"... He loves you, and wants you to approach Him in prayer!!!

    Take care, and again, welcome!! ;-)


  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome

    Along with the others, I want to reassure you that you haven't been forsaken, Jehovah is still there for you, He is just waiting for you to ask for His help.

    I can relate to some of your experiences - I was raised as a Witness, also my mother died when I was young. The deaths of your father and brother are still pretty recent, relatively speaking. Don't feel guilty for grieving over them - grief is a relative experience, we all are affected by it differently. Even Jesus wept over Lazarus, remember, even though he had the power and knowledge of everlasting life! I am glad that you are close to your mother, she needs you at this tough time.

    As for raising your son, I'm sure you still know and remember much of what you learnt as a child. The principles laid out in the Bible are the fundamentals for a good life. Jesus said there were 2 primary laws : Love of God, and Love of neighbour. If you show love in your dealings with fellow humans, and still keep Jehovah in your mind and heart, then you are doing what Jesus told us to do.

    Stay strong, and stick around. You are also welcome to email me if you wish.

  • Carmel


    Now the "rest of the story"! Personally I think it's a lot of bull shit this talk about none of us being worthy! We were created noble and the choices we make either elevate us or degrade us. We are as worthy as we choose to be! So quit putting your self down, stand up and acknowledge that you have made some poor choices and go on with life without beating yourself to death with guilt. Forgiveness is instant and exact, but you have to forgive yourself and get out of the guilt funk.

    Your choice my man!


  • reagan_oconnor

    Welcome; I'm new here myself. So sorry to hear about your personal tragedies of the last year...


    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

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