Of Precious Promises and A Corporate God

by metatron 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Once, I knew an elderly member of the anointed in Bethel. Sometimes he carried an old King James Bible with him that had

    certain passages highlighted with a purple marker.

    He said those verses were "precious promises" - personal statements Jesus made to him, in effect.

    He came from a generation that read a different Watchtower - one that had personal poetry about God and Jesus Christ.

    - a generation that might not recoil from calling Jesus "Lord" in casual conversation, as early Christians did.

    I write this to manifest the contrast of a cold, legalistic corporate culture that NOW consumes the faith of Watchtower loyalists.

    Jehovah seems to be a distant tribal God who got promoted to head a corporate religion - rather than a loving Heavenly Father

    - a God who blesses printing presses and shyster lawyers to advance his "organization".

    If you think I'm exaggerating about this 'worldly' influence of 'corporate culture', consider:

    If Brother Weak tells Brother Elder "I don't believe in God anymore", he may get tea and sympathy

    But what will happen to Brother Weak if he says "I don't believe in this organization anymore"? Logically,

    if you don't believe in God, the organization is out the window but ......Faith in the Watchtower is critical.

    Why does the Watchtower leadership refer to an "organization" when the Bible uses the more intimate phrase

    "association of brothers"? ( Hint: who rules in each?)

    Why does the New World Translation REPEATEDLY use the phrase " in union with" God or Jesus instead of simply ..."in"?

    What's wrong with having God or Jesus "IN" you? What's wrong with being "IN" God or Jesus? You can easily guess the

    answer - that kind of intimacy with the Divine tends to exclude the ministrations of Jehovah's Glorious Corporate Organization

    doesn't it?

    I conclude that the greatest practical difference between "born-agains" and Witnesses is not the Trinity or Hellfire or

    any other doctrinal point. Rather, it is this feeling of intimacy with Christ that Witnesses NO LONGER possess.

    Fundamentalists will assert that Witnesses "don't believe in Jesus" but that inaccuracy misses the critical point

    that Witnesses worship thru a corporate structure in which Jesus is little more than a functionary, an obedient flunkie

    needed to attract people to the legalistic "organization". The Apostle John could never stomach this cult - with his

    counsel about a mystical union with Christ. They'd drag him off the stage as soon as ambiguity about the Word came

    out of his mouth.

    I'm forced to agree with cynics who think that religion is just an obstacle put in the way of spirituality - by hijackers who

    want to turn some coin by forcing You to Go Thru Them.

    In this case, if the path to God is a beautiful bridge

    then the Watchtower hierarchy is just a pack of trolls who man a toll booth.


  • sf

    Excellent post!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    And with Brooklyn's penchant for time sheets, lists, classifications (``unbaptized publisher, pioneer, etc., etc.ad naseum) it suggests a bean-counting accountant of a diety with a faulty memory.

  • ozziepost
    I'm forced to agree with cynics who think that religion is just an obstacle put in the way of spirituality - by hijackers who want to turn some coin by forcing You to Go Thru Them. In this case, if the path to God is a beautiful bridge then the Watchtower hierarchy is just a pack of trolls who man a toll booth.

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

    So well put, metatron.

    BTW fix your formatting, eh? They're beautiful words.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Satanus
    a pack of trolls who man a toll booth.

    Exactamundo! And any religion that has the exclusivist mentality is in that pack too.


  • nowisee

    very very insightful.

    you hit the nail on the head when delineating the difference between born-agains and jws: an intimate and personal relationship with the Lord. jws don't have a clue - too bad.

  • DJ

    Hi Met,

    I always like your posts. I think that an error though is here because the teaching that says....."jw's don't believe in Jesus" doesn't mean believe as in.....giving lip service and the belief that he is God's son. To the BA, believing in Jesus is a trust, a dependence on him..a way of life....a walk..an understanding of his sacrifice for our salvation...an obedience,.etc.. It is a common mistake to think that believing means only the belief in Him. I agree that the fundies would sound more logical if they explained what they mean when they say "believe". Thanks for the thoughts and I agree with you as usual.

    Fundamentalists will assert that Witnesses "don't believe in Jesus" but that inaccuracy misses the critical point
  • DanTheMan
    If Brother Weak tells Brother Elder "I don't believe in God anymore", he may get tea and sympathy

    But what will happen to Brother Weak if he says "I don't believe in this organization anymore"?


    Scenario one - some encouraging words, a pat on the back, "Let's study a few things from the Creator book brother - surely we see evidence of Jehovah's hand in the beauty and complexity of creation..." etc..

    Scenario two - elder's eyes open wide, a look of disbelief - "ummm....do you mind if I come back Wednesday night so we can discuss this further? I'd like to bring a couple of other elders along if you don't mind..." LOL

  • Maverick

    Well written Met. I agree fully with your thesis. I used that very line of reasoning in my Baptisum Nullification Letter. I felt it was a bait and switch. The Elders are middle managers, and the CO's are merely corporate inspectors making sure the rank and file punch the numbers correctly. Love is a catch word without any real force or influence. It is perfunctory, heartless and lifeless, like a machine. Maverick

  • clash_city_rockers

    metatron writes:

    I conclude that the greatest practical difference between "born-agains" and Witnesses is not the Trinity or Hellfire or

    any other doctrinal point. Rather, it is this feeling of intimacy with Christ that Witnesses NO LONGER possess.

    Fundamentalists will assert that Witnesses "don't believe in Jesus" but that inaccuracy misses the critical point

    that Witnesses worship thru a corporate structure in which Jesus is little more than a functionary, an obedient flunkie

    needed to attract people to the legalistic "organization". The Apostle John could never stomach this cult - with his

    counsel about a mystical union with Christ. They'd drag him off the stage as soon as ambiguity about the Word came

    out of his mouth.

    I'm forced to agree with cynics who think that religion is just an obstacle put in the way of spirituality - by hijackers who

    want to turn some coin by forcing You to Go Thru Them

    . I can sympathies with your frustration. But first it must by said that bible believing Christianity is made distinct by doctrine, namely the person and work of Jesus Christ. it is this that marks the center of Christian character. Modern spirituality J-Dubs included is cold and isolated in it's religious culture. Spirituality is made up of cold isolated individualism, Chrisitanity on the otherhand is a brotherly community a covenant comunity centered around the promises of the messiah Jesus Christ. JWs can only mimic this covenant community in a fraudulent psudeo imatation with a cold secular corprate culture that baptieses itself in modern spirituality. Individualist Spirituality is also something to get cynical over because it is isolated and cold with no fixed standards. The only answer is Jesus Christ and his bible believing church.

    I hope this helps,


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