Effects on former members

by Jang 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang

    Passing this on in case you are, or know of someone who may be interested.
    Please pass it on ......

    Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 10:45:23 -0400
    From: Lois Kendall < [email protected]>
    Subject: Effects on former members

    My name is Lois Kendall and I am a doctoral research student in psychology at
    Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College based in High Wycombe, England.
    The research that I am conducting is examining the psychological effects of
    former membership of cults, cult like groups, sects, new religious movements,
    and new religions as well as mainstream groups.

    I would like to speak to or hear from individuals in the UK who are former
    members of these types of groups with a view to discussing the possibility of
    participating in some research. Obviously confidentiality is of paramount

    If you would like to find out more, or would like to participate in my
    research then do please get in touch to talk about the possibility of your

    Additionally I am very interested in the reasons that people do not want to
    participate in this type of research and would encourage those people to
    contact me anyway so I have a greater understanding of the reasons why people
    choose not to participate.

    If you would like to discuss any of these points then please contact me at the
    following e-mail address: - [email protected] or by telephone on
    01494 605041 or by mobile on 0776 5362628

    Alternatively you might like to write to me at the address below:-

    Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College,
    Owen Harris Building
    Queen Alexandria Road
    High Wycombe
    HP11 2JZ

    If you would like to verify who I am then you may like to contact my academic
    supervisor Dr Rod Marshall from the same institution. Tel. 01494 522141
    extension 5098 E-mail address: - [email protected]

    Thank you very much for your consideration of the above.


  • goo

    hey jang like your posts the content is brilliant - goo.

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