Jehovah Creates Apostates

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    According to the Bible, Jehovah himself "raised up" resisters
    of the corrupt rulership of the elderly king, Solomon.
    --- you can read about it at 1Kings 11:14,23-39.
    The term apostasy comes from "to stand away from, rebellion",
    so "resister" can easily act as a synonym for apostate, here.
    Also, Jehovah created DIS-unity among Israel by deliberately
    splitting the nation into two kingdoms.

    So, to the GB and all loyal Witnesses, please consider
    that all these increasing troubles the organization finds
    itself suffering - may be the direct hand of God bringing
    decline and dissent into a corrupt rulership of stubborn,
    uncaring gerontocrats.

    The Society always brags that they are directed by holy
    spirit (see June 1,2001 WT) I reply, sure, why not? They may be
    directed just like the aging Solomon and his decaying nation!


  • Gopher

    You have an interesting "take" on things, comparing the governing body to Solomon. Expanding on your theme of "uncaring", all that the weary everyday JW's hear is "do more, do more!" even though their recruiting efforts are generally meeting with less success than ever, in terms of "hours in the ministry" per "newly baptized" ones. The next generation of leadership, succeeding the Governing Body, may prove to be like Rehoboam, attempting only to tighten their grip on power, with disastrous results to come.


  • edwkey

    From top to bottom christianity doesn't make any sense. After two millenia we found ourselves in the 21st century in a world with problems but a much better better place to live than back then.

    The doomsday preachers and followers of a Jesus, which we don't have no secular historical evidence that he ever existed,still wanna us to believe in their "end of times".

    The "end of time" happened many times in the past.No by the hand of "god" but by accident, like 65 millions of years ago the dinosaurs were wipped out by a "rock" from outer space.

    "LOS ANGELES (AP) - A group of scientists is seeking a standardized
    protocol for dealing with the possibility of an asteroid or comet
    striking the Earth, saying humans can do more than the dinosaurs
    ever could before a colossal impact precipitated their extinction 65
    millions years ago. The call comes as interest grows in the swarm of
    asteroids and comets that orbit the sun in the Earth's immediate
    neighborhood. The concerns were sparked in part by several recent
    false alarms about impending impacts. "In some sense, it's something
    we know we need to worry about, but we need to decide at what level
    we need to worry about it - and that's a question for everybody,"
    said Daniel D. Durda, a research scientist in the department of
    space studies of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo.

    The Force be with you

  • philo

    Brilliant approach Met, I'll even look up that scripture. I'll also find out what the hell a gerontocrat is. Sounds old. LOL

    Thanks Metatron


  • Francois2

    I still want to know exactly how the GB is "directed" by the Holy Spirit. What exactly is that mechanism? Do they hold hands, sing Kumbaya and the wait until a dove descends holding a note from the Big J in it's beak? Do they have a pair of Urim & Thummin (anti-typical, of course) they roll down the conference table? If so, do they have to ask only yes or no questions? Do they have to face Jerusalem and wave a dead chicken, spattering its blood on the conference table? Cut a calf? (I always did wonder why they had Watchtower Farms), Sacrifice a goat? Do they use a Ouija board? Tarot deck? Dice? Runes? Interpret Dreams WHAT? HOW?

    Damnit, they say they are spirit directed and that's a big, big claim and I want to know exactly HOW they receive this spirit direction?

    Remember, they have already said that each and every technique I've mentioned so far is demonism. In fact, each and every technique used by and in mysticism has been deplored by the governing body as demonistic.

    So WHAT is the technique used by the GB in knowing the will of God?

    I say they no more know the will of God than I know how to fly to the goddamn moon.

    They know the will of God, but they won't accept a challenge to debate little ol' me? They deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth without a trace. Bastards.

    Sorry. I'm having a run of cynicism tonight.


  • edwkey

    Only the naive and hard core JW's can swallow their religion as being "spirit directed" or the "truth".

    The 20th century left them without "due dates" and a re-make of the film: Neverending Story.

    My brother pledge with me not to bring the subject of his religion any more, he has no answers and he needs the "fix" to keep living. By his own words !!!

    Religion is a drug and an old communist said: " Religion is the opium of the people".

    The addiction applies to ALL religions, no exceptions

    The Force be with you

  • terraly

    As they say, "sweeping generalizations are always false".

    [quote]The addiction applies to ALL religions, no exceptions [\quote]

    Could you elaborate on what exactly constitues a religion? Where does world-view cross religion, and are both always drugs?

    It seems like everyone has their own set of beliefs which they regularily use and abuse for their own sake. To avoid thinking about issues we rely on prejudices and generalities (for instance, I would wager that you have not really examined [i]every[\i] religion- not your fault of course). These beliefs we hold so dearly are also opium, a way we keep ourselves happy and sane. The only difference with Witnesses, compared to someone like you for example, is that you're probably more open to switching to a new drug/set of ideas.

    Even if someone's world-view was absolutely, 100% correct, would they not still get "a fix" from hearing it vindicated? So is the difference one of scale, not of type?

  • JT

    ed says :

    Only the naive and hard core JW's can swallow their religion as being "spirit directed" or the "truth".
    The 20th century left them without "due dates" and a re-make of the film: Neverending Story.

    My brother pledge with me not to bring the subject of his religion any more, he has no answers and he needs the "fix" to keep living. By his own words !!!

    Religion is a drug and an old communist said: " Religion is the opium of the people".

    The addiction applies to ALL religions, no exceptions


    now you are getting DEEEEEEEEEEEEP on us

    i agree iwth you 100%


    The Freedom to Think means:

    "I'd rather have Questions that I can't Answer ----Than Questions, I can't Ask.

    (or Answers that I can't Question)."

  • edwkey

    >The only difference with Witnesses, compared to someone like you for example, is that you're probably more open to switching to a new drug/set of ideas.<

    Religion is an intangible which people use as a "crutch"/"drug" to numb their senses. No matter what faith you may have you can't prove something that you believe as real.

    I'm 52 years old and studied the religion syndrome and always comes to faith = no evidence

    I believe that there is a Force behind everything that exists but religion has no a logical explanation to it.

    The Force be with you

  • bjc2012


    I agree with your synopsis of the reason for the current situation in the organization and the scriptures indicate that it will get worse. Zechariah chapter 11 is very specific.

    Verse 5 shows that "..their own sheperds do not show any compassion upon them." Verse 6 shows that even Jehovah says that he "would show compassion no more upon the inhabitants of the land."

    The prophet further shows that he took two staffs, one called Pleasantness and the other called Union and he went "shepherding the flock." (Verse 7) In verse 10, he says: "I took my staff called Pleasantness and cut it to pieces in order to break my covenant with all the peoples." Verse 14 says: "Then I cut in pieces my second staff, the Union, in order to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel." There will be a split in the organization that Jehovah will cause.

    There will also rise up a "useless shepherd" (verse 15) who will mistreat the flock. Verse 16 (NIV) says: "For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their hoofs."

    I believe that this 'useless' shepherd has already made his appearance in the congregations based on what is being said by those who have left the organization recently. And it is certainly by Jehovah's permission because of the gross unfaithfulness of the


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