As of March 16, 2020 the German Government has prohibited the gathering of all religious groups (Covid-19)

by bats in the belfry 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Google translation from the Government website:

    The Federal Government has agreed with the federal states on guidelines for a uniform approach to further restrict social contacts in public life. Grocery retail, weekly markets and delivery services, pharmacies, drugstores, banks, petrol stations and wholesalers remain unaffected. Bars, clubs, theaters, museums, cinemas, zoos, sports facilities and playgrounds will be closed for the time being. In addition, gatherings in clubs, sports and leisure facilities, as well as gatherings in churches, mosques, synagogues, and gatherings of other faith communities are prohibited for now.

    +++ Montag, 16. März +++

    Die Bundesregierung hat mit den Ländern Leitlinien zum einheitlichen Vorgehen zur weiteren Beschränkung von sozialen Kontakten im öffentlichen Leben vereinbart. Der Lebensmitteleinzelhandel, Wochenmärkte und Lieferdienste, Apotheken, Drogerien, Banken, Tankstellen sowie der Großhandel bleiben davon unberührt. Bars, Clubs, Theater, Museen, Kinos, Zoos, Sporteinrichtungen und Spielplätze werden vorerst geschlossen. Darüber hinaus sind Zusammenkünfte in Vereinen, Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen sowie Zusammenkünfte in Kirchen, Moscheen, Synagogen und Zusammenkünfte anderer Glaubensgemeinschaften fürs Erste verboten.

  • waton

    " verboten."

    bitb: Jahwohl! did not know that the holy name played so prominently a role in government speech in the german language. sure looks like the shotgun approach of attack on religion prophesied in Revelation, der Offenbarung.

  • Phizzy

    Sensible action, from a Government that seems to care about its people, we do not have such a Government in the U.K.

  • WTWizard

    I bet that they will play the guilt card. People that walk 20 miles each way, through dangerous jungles and crossing rivers that have crocodiles, followed by a lockout and a beating when they get home, that never miss a boasting session? So what is a little government interference when they have plenty of references in their filthy bible that xians continued under threat of death? They will continue working to subvert this ban (and spread coronavirus while they are at it).

    And I hope they get slammed for doing this. Going in field circus at a time like now is akin to drink driving. Would you drink and drive? At least drink drivers only kill where they crash. With this, who knows how far their coronavirus could spread, and how many could die long after the "crash".

  • JimmyYoung

    I can see JWs disregarding this.

  • polish clarinet
    polish clarinet

    the same in France since friday. I hope it's not too late...

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