New Song Book - interesting change of lyrics

by Tallon 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tallon

    I found this image on Cedars latest article and believe it was originally posted on Reddit.

    You know how the Org is always pleading poverty and continuously asking for donations; well how is this for a subtle way of changing lyrics in order to get the publishers to think continually on giving!

  • slimboyfat
    Wow, blatant!
  • sir82

    Yeah, it's pretty disturbing, but not really surprising.

    There's already a few threads on this topic. On one of them, it points out that the revised lyric actually appeared in the 1928 & 1950 versions of the song book.

  • darkspilver

    There's already a few threads on this topic. On one of them, it points out that the revised lyric actually appeared in the 1928 & 1950 versions of the song book.

    And don't forget the original hymn

    See the full discussion about this lyric from yesterday post

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