by happyout 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • happyout

    I don't want to give anything away, but if you are a fan, you should really enjoy this. The F/X, as we all know, are wonderful, but I really liked the storyline also. Although some of the lines are a little trite, it's really got a lot going for it. I will have to see it again at least twice to make sure I get all the details.

    Just a note, STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS! There is a preview of the Matrix Revolutions that is worth the wait.

    I should also say I am a freak fan about this trilogy, having seen the first one more than 20 times.


  • StinkyPantz


    I must disagree. I LOVED the first Matrix. . I mean truly LOVED it. This one sucked! There was hardly any dialogue. A movie should never solely rely on special effects, and that it exactly what this one did .

  • happyout

    I read that the AP hated it, too. I don't know, maybe I am just so sucked in that I can't see the faults (although even I can admit there were certain parts that needed help), but I really did enjoy it. I dug the way they brought in so much technological logic, the back doors in systems, the fact that there really are "rogue" applications that try to destroy other applications. So, does that mean you won't go see the next one? Did you sit through the credits to see the trailer for Matrix Revolution?

    Edited to add: I love your new picture!!

  • SheilaM

    My son demanded the car at 10:00AM yesterday, he had a car full of lawn chairs. The goof got in line for the movie then and it didnt' start until midnight ROLMAO Still haven't heard if it's good or not he came home at 3:00 and then had school this morning OH MY

  • shamus

    In my silly opinion, tilogies are highly overrated. Sorry guys... I really, REALLY liked the first one, just b/c you weren't expecting it... remember Pulp Fiction? Same scenario.

    All of the "Whoa's" by Keano Reeves really got on my nerves.... however, I will be checking it out anyways.... after all, I am a slave to hollywood!

  • ThiChi

    I want to see it this weekend......

    Critics Report Card Overall Grade: B
    Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Steve Murray
    "Plug in. Again. But be prepared for some glitches in the software." more... B-
    Chicago Sun-Times
    Roger Ebert
    "It is an immensely skillful sci-fi adventure..." more... A-
    Chicago Tribune
    Mark Caro
    "The new movie is bloated and sprawling where its predecessor was sleek and lean..." more... C
    E! Online "...the second Matrix movie is one of those rare sequels that's bigger and better than the first." more... A-
    View Entire Chart (More Reviews)
    * Yahoo! Movies converts each critic's published rating into a letter grade. If the critic's review does not include a rating, Yahoo! Movies assigns a grade based on an assessment of the review. (more...)
  • dedalus

    Prepare for a lot of over-pontification, is my advice to anyone going to see this movie.

    And was it me, or did some of the already-famous Burly Brawl look animated? Things slow down to bullet time, and Neo's face looks plastic, as in a video game.


  • bigboi
    And was it me, or did some of the already-famous Burly Brawl look animated? Things slow down to bullet time, and Neo's face looks plastic, as in a video game.

    Yeah it defintely looked animated to me. However the way that one particular scene was shot...the slow buildup to an action packed crescendo, then Neo just blasting off made it one of the film's best, imo. There were only 3 major portions of dialogue in this movie alll of them with the Matrix's oldest programs. The speeches seemed quite existensial and frankly I'd have to see the film one more time to understand how the details relate to the movie.

  • dubla
    However the way that one particular scene was shot...the slow buildup to an action packed crescendo, then Neo just blasting off made it one of the film's best, imo.

    neo blasting off was definitely a "wow" moment....but didnt it leave you wondering why he fought them at all? why not simply "blast off" at the start of the battle?


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