get baptized right away

by waton 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton

    Today's text. The jailer and his (probably totally surprised) household was baptized right away.

    By contrast Jesus was an unbaptized publisher for 18 years.

  • HoodwinkedToo

    I'm a bit confused by the "Jesus was an unbaptized publisher for 18 years". I thought he started his ministry AFTER his baptism. Also, wasn't he allegedly about 30 yers old when he got baptized. And finally, did he ever owned or slaved for a publishing house (business for commercial production of literature, music, art, etc.) by forcing pamphlets or other written marketing material onto householders and passerby?

  • waton
    I thought he started his ministry AFTER his baptism. Also, wasn't he allegedly about 30 yers old when he got baptized. Hw2:

    As a 12 year old he was discussing "the truth" with the personell at the temple. Today that would be counted on his monthly, and the congregation, branch and worldwide report of an [perfect] unbaptized publisher.

    As an example he took at least 18 years to have a trial run. so what is the wt hurry?

    Tongue firmly planted in cheek.

  • HoodwinkedToo

    You are right, he would likely be "encouraged" to report his time after "listening to them and asking them questions". Luke 2:46 (NIV) ;-)

    And as there are no reports of him "publishing" in the course the next 6 months, he would be soon labeled inactive and dealt with appropriately...

  • waton
    he would be soon labeled inactive and dealt with appropriately...HwT

    well. can you imagine a perfect irregular?

    delaying baptism after knowing the "truth" perfectly for 18 years?

  • sir82

    The jailer and his (probably totally surprised) household was baptized right away.

    Wait, he didn't go over a set of 80-odd questions with 3 elders first? He didn't have to be an unbaptized publisher first? He didn't have to attend every meeting for a period of months first?

    I dunno, sounds pretty un-theocratic to me.

  • blondie

    sir82, don't forget that holy spirit came down on Gentile Cornelius and his family pointing to them as spirit anointed by god, even before they were baptized.

  • Biahi

    I brought this up to my mom, and she said “Oh, well, we just have a better understanding now.” Sigh

  • waton
    Gentile Cornelius and his family pointing to them as spirit anointed by god, even before they were baptized. B

    anointed without even partaking of the emblems, ( the apostles ate and drank before being anointed later)

    Baptism seems to have been a family affair in those heady days of 18 250 % yearly increase.

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