No inetrest in Watchtower & Awake?

by Ardian 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ardian

    The Watchtower and Awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.The figures are astonishing. I am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.


    I have seen the link on many social media networks. Can anyone confirm it?

    By the way,I have posted it twice.... but no one answers it

  • JeffT

    It's based on bogus accounting. Unlike the other magazines on that list the Watchtower and Awake are not sold directly to the public. They are sold to the JW's who then dump a few every month in the preaching work. The rest end up in recycling bins. However all of them are counted as "sold" since the R&F paid for them. I have no idea what COVID has done to their numbers.

  • smiddy3

    As i said on your other post there is a big difference to being the most popular as against the most distributed magazine in the world .

    just think about it ,8.5 million JW`s = 8.5 million WT`s and Awakes for starters and then what they are supposed to give away to the public in their ministry ?

    I bet half the JW`s don`t even read all of whats in the mags because they have heard it all before ,ho hum here we go again ,same old shit ,year in and year out.

    Most if not all of Christendom wouldn`t have a bar of the Watchtower or Awake magazines .

  • mynameislame

    An amateur site run by some guy in india. Probably trying to drive traffic to their site by enticing JWs and EXjws alike.

  • Jofi_Wofo

    "This magazine is published by a reputable agency Jehovah’s Witnesses. "

  • Biahi

    I knew an old sister (dead now), had STACKS of old magazines in her house, just piled up in all the rooms in her small house. What a fire hazard. I’ll bet her inactive son threw them all into the recycle bin.

  • Overrated

    Bird gage poop paper.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I havent seen any except a few closely guarded " kingdom " mags. Maybe they count every hit on the website too.

    That 16 page thing was an embarrassment, along with the cover art.

  • Vidiot

    My advice?

    Take every report of WT success (of any kind) with a Gibraltor-sized grain of salt... we already know the Org fudges the truth past any of Stretch Armstrong's freakiest Rule 34 fantasies, after all.

    "Growth/success = God's blessing" has become so deeply baked into the Org's ideological DNA that at this point, they can't report anything but... matter how much it's complete horseshit

  • BluesBrother

    At the moment I don’t think you can say. I do not have any recent printed issues to see the figures that used to be on the inside page. It is not online.

    Back in 2010 they were claiming over 40 million distribution for each mag, but they have reduced the frequency and the content since then. They have actually dissuaded the dubs from using printed material .

    who knows how many read them online? The ones placed are given away on the street when they are able to do so so it is not a fair comparison with a regular magazine.

    I cannot see the figures claimed in that original website as being true these days , especially with Covid stopping the distribution

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