A New Way to Give a Sister's Talk !!

by Prisca 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    New light, new light!!

    Setting: A sister and her householder, as per a #3 talk.

    The Talk: The sister and her householder has a chat about the material for the talk, say on the subject of blood transfusions, prophecy or any other so-called Biblical subjects.

    In the course of the talk, the householder begins to ask questions, such as:

    "Where's the biblical backing for rejecting plasma, but not other blood fractions?"

    "How can they say that Jesus 'returned' in 1914, when they were themselves preaching he had already 'returned' in 1874 during 1914?"

    "How did the Governing Body decide that they were the GB?"

    The sister then tries to explain, using non-logic and pretends to get flustered, unable to explain the answers, while the householder brings up WT quotes and plain reasoning!

    Result: Gives the sister, who was planning to leave with a great exit, the chance to show up the WT's unScriptural and false explanations and reasoning on things.

    And the audience will be talking about that talk for a VERY long time to come!

  • patio34

    Good idea! Then the whole audience could hear a 'fine witness to the truth' and maybe some would be 'set free by the truth!' I bet the school overseer wouldn't catch on enough to stop it in time, either.

    But it would take a lot of nerve/courage to do this!


  • logical

    and there would be an elders meeting called, resulting in a judicial comittee, and the brave honest sister would get df'ed, losing all her family and friends

  • outnfree

    Man, oh, Man! I wish I had thought about doing that for MY last talk!
    I walked out after DA'ing myself with a grin on my face and a song in my heart that left the friends "scratching their heads" as one DF'd person in attendance just mentioned the other day, but I would MUCH rather have made a statement like that!

    But wouldn't both sisters need to be in cahoots for this to really work? Or else the householder could just spring the questions on the unsuspecting sister?


  • Prisca

    umm, logical, read the second-last sentence, honey.

  • outnfree


    You seem to have missed that the sister was already "planning to leave with a great exit". This scenario, of course, would have to be for one who already had "counted the cost."


  • reagan_oconnor

    Ha! I love it...

    When I was younger, maybe 14, I had to give talk #3 on Matthew 16:18 ("And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it." RSV)

    Well, I thought that it was pretty clear-cut that Jesus was telling Peter that he (Peter) was the "rock." So that's what I based my talk on.

    About 3 minutes into the talk, the elder handling the school started ringing the bell. I couldn't understand why, so I checked my watch and kept going. After he rang the bell again, I stopped the talk and went back to my seat. I realized later what I had said, and that must have been why everyone was so quiet!

  • outnfree

    LOL, Reagan!

    At least we know your parents weren't writing YOUR talks for you!


  • slipnslidemaster

    Reagen, what happened? Did you get talked to? Marked?

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

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