the bible....literal or just basic common sense values?

by SpiceItUp 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SpiceItUp

    I've been annoying most of my friends lately with all sorts of bible and religion etc discussion and am getting all sorts of intersting viewpoints.

    One was that the bible was only intended to be a guide with simple rules to follow. Such as the Ten Commandments, the 7 deadly sins and the Fruits of the Spirit.

    I have to agree that if you were to follow such basic principles (which would hopefully be common sense) life should fall into place.

    Not to mention when you try to take the bible literally it should be just cause for us to start stoning people, giving up sacrafices as well as poligamy.

    Of coarse my friend also believes the bible was inspired by god and the contradictions he admits are in it are due to imperfect men putting down there own perspective on things. That I don't agree with but the basic principles I think should be followed.

    any thoughts?

  • Sentinel

    Spice, I can appreciate your inquisitiveness. I think it's great to ask lots of questions. There are just so many answers sometimes.

    My son called me on Mother's Day, which was a real blessing. (He hadn't remembered, or thought enough to do so in a few years.) Because we had not really been connecting that much, there was just so much in my heart that I had been wanting to share. We had lived through a terrible nightmare, got through it, and then were off in our own directions.

    This time, we talked for nearly two hours! I was an active JW until he was about five, and then by the time he was fourteen, I had finally gotten myself out. He was able to express to me that he never believed the JW thing. He only did it to make me happy. He said that he never once considered them to be anything but a cult.

    However, he is deep into christianity, and is really very gung ho on Jesus Christ. The good thing is, he got to express his feelings and so did I. We didn't judge each other. He's quite a young man and I'm proud of him, although I do not believe the way he does. He totally feels the bible is inspired and speaks of it in almost a magical way. He believes totally that Jesus was "god" who came to earth in human form.

    It was rather strange, as we talked, how I remember feeling so much the way he does now, at a time in my life. It all seems so foreign to me now. I don't believe the bible is anything other than a christian history book of sorts. I believe that Jesus was an enlightened, very spiritual individual. Aside from that, I don't view anything about this world or the universe in black or white, religious tones.

    I think it's wonderful to be able to honor someone else as they make their soul's journey. As JamesT recently told me, it is indeed the "dark night of the soul", and a very painful process. But, we owe it to ourselves to make the journey in this lifetime. It is almost as if we do die. Old cognitions and perceptions fall away from us and we can clearly see the reality. It is if we are wiped clean of all the contamination and our heart can truly guide us to where we need to be. This is how we grow, how we learn, gain knowledge and develope wisdom. It is not automatically given to us on a platter. I commend you for your push to understand and grow.

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