Addiction and Belief: A comment left for me on YouTube

by schnell 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • schnell

    I'd just like to share a comment that someone left on my YouTube account (which I hesitate to call a channel because I don't upload anything).

    Theism is an addiction; Try talking someone out of a gambling (thought), or drug (chemical) addiction (both involve Dopamine). You will find the same pattern of cognitive biases, and circular logic that of a Theist. Addiction has it's roots in the ancient part of the Brain (Mesolimbic System) overriding the modern thinking/rationalizing part (Frontal Cortex). Neurological mechanisms (motivators) evolved (to get your attention) for the gathering of resources for reproduction are mistaken by Theists as paranormal events. Thoughts, and behaviours that "FEELS GOOD" reinforces "Dopamine Reward System" pathways in order to repeat said thoughts, and behaviors (confirmation biases). People "FEEL GOOD" thinking they have an outerspace/extra dimensional daddy (plan for them) just as someone thinking hitting the Lotto one day. We are wired for pleasure. See "Sapolsky Dopamine Jackpot" on Youtube, or this link for deeper info; "The Holy Dopamine Ghost: It Feels Good" Keep in mind also that stress can release Dopamine (picture someone fervently praying for a sign). Dopamine aids creativity so things that do not make rational sense makes sense under it's influence. Dopamine in excess causes neurological traffic jams where subconscious thoughts can manifest as hallucinations (an experience where thoughts you are not conscious of appear as auditory, visual, olfactory, and even tactile hallucinations that seem symbolic).

    I am writing this at work and need to get back to it, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Makes absolute sense. I am currently reading a book called "Brainstorm", which goes over the adolescent brain. The very same logic is put forth regarding a new understanding of the reason why teenagers engage in potentially dangerous and unreasonable behavior.

  • StarTrekAngel

    And if we try to elaborate, the author makes a case for the many behavioral tendencies that we cement during teenage hood and how adolescence is a crucial time for establishing patterns that may last a lifetime. The WT and other cults may be unintentionally attempting to harness the brain at the best time to create life long members.

  • schnell

    That is an excellent point and they absolutely are, StarTrekAngel. I'll keep a look out for Brainstorm, because neuroscience is one of those subjects that definitely led me away from the cult.

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